Dawn: Amon Amarth Interview. The Metal Web, archiviert vom Original (nicht mehr online verfügbar) am 25. Januar 2010; abgerufen am 16. Oktober 2015 (englisch).
Dawn: Amon Amarth Interview. The Metal Web, archiviert vom Original (nicht mehr online verfügbar) am 25. Januar 2010; abgerufen am 16. Oktober 2015 (englisch).
„But instrumentation is a staple distinction of many folk metal bands. Even the Viking metal sub-category typically avoids non-standard instruments, but folk metal groups often depend upon them. Clearly either metal codes must be re-inscribed to include more than loud, distorted timbres of guitar, bass, drums and voice – though this does describe the vast majority of metal bands – or folk metal must be re-defined outside of metal.“ Aaron Patrick Mulvany: “REAWAKENING PRIDE ONCE LOST”: INDIGENEITY AND EUROPEAN FOLK METAL. Wesleyan University, Middletown, Connecticut, Mai 2000, S. 47.