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Lionel S. Smith, Mark D. E. Fellowes: The grass-free lawn: Management and species choice for optimum ground cover and plant diversity. In: Urban Forestry & Urban Greening. Band13, Nr.3, 1. Januar 2014, ISSN1618-8667, S.433–442, doi:10.1016/j.ufug.2014.04.008 (sciencedirect.com [abgerufen am 23. Dezember 2021]).
Mark A. Goddard, Andrew J. Dougill, Tim G. Benton: Why garden for wildlife? Social and ecological drivers, motivations and barriers for biodiversity management in residential landscapes. In: Ecological Economics (= Sustainable Urbanisation: A resilient future). Band86, 1. Februar 2013, ISSN0921-8009, S.258–273, doi:10.1016/j.ecolecon.2012.07.016 (sciencedirect.com [abgerufen am 23. Dezember 2021]).