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Simon Blackburn: Practical Tortoise Raising. In: Mind. Band 104, Nr. 416, Oktober 1995. S. 695–711. doi:10.1093/mind/104.416.695
Bertrand Russell: The Principles of Mathematics. 1903. § 38. (online)
Timothy Smiley: A Tale of Two Tortoises. In: Mind. Band 104, Nr. 416, Oktober 1995. S. 725–736. JSTOR:2254480
Gilbert Ryle: Knowing How and Knowing That: The Presidential Address. In: Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society. Band 46, 1945, S. 1–16. JSTOR:4544405
W. V. Quine: Carnap and Logical Truth. In: Synthese. Band 12, Nr. 4, Dezember 1960. S. 350–374. JSTOR:20114356