Gamasutra: Replayability Part 1: Narrative, 21. Mai 2001. Darin: „If the narrative is linear, as in Starcraft or Diablo, once you know the story, it doesn't provide much motivation to play the game again.“
Staffan Bjork, Jussi Holopainen: Patterns in Game Design, 2005, ISBN 1-58450-354-8. Darin: „Replayability: The level to which a game provides new challendes or experiences when played again.“
Francois Dominic Laramee: Game Design Perspectives, 2002, ISBN 1-58450-090-5. Darin: „Most designers must rely on replayability to increase the perceived value of their games. […] Alternate victory conditions; Repeated visits to a familiar setting; Alternate tools; Randomized content; Differentiating between victory and perfection; Multiplayer“.
GameSetWatch: Three Kinds of Replay (Memento vom 10. Oktober 2012 im Internet Archive), 25. September 2008. Darin: „Replay value comes from many things, and one of them is the ability for the game to let players have a different experience each time they play. This breadth of experience means that players who enjoy a game the first time can experience more entertainment from the game by replaying in various ways.“