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Shinichi Nakagawa, Tomohiro Yamazaki, Tetsuro Hirose: Molecular dissection of nuclear paraspeckles: towards understanding the emerging world of the RNP milieu. In: Open Biology. Band8, Nr.10, Oktober 2018, ISSN2046-2441, S.180150, doi:10.1098/rsob.180150, PMID 30355755, PMC 6223218 (freier Volltext).
Yuntao S. Mao, Bin Zhang, David L. Spector: Biogenesis and function of nuclear bodies. In: Trends in Genetics. Band27, Nr.8, August 2011, S.295–306, doi:10.1016/j.tig.2011.05.006, PMID 21680045, PMC 3144265 (freier Volltext) – ( [abgerufen am 2. Mai 2019]).
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Shinichi Nakagawa, Tomohiro Yamazaki, Tetsuro Hirose: Molecular dissection of nuclear paraspeckles: towards understanding the emerging world of the RNP milieu. In: Open Biology. Band8, Nr.10, Oktober 2018, ISSN2046-2441, S.180150, doi:10.1098/rsob.180150, PMID 30355755, PMC 6223218 (freier Volltext).
Compartmentalization within the nucleus: discovery of a novel subnuclear region. In: The Journal of Cell Biology. Band115, Nr.4, 2. November 1991, ISSN0021-9525, S.919–931, PMID 1955462, PMC 2289954 (freier Volltext).