Office of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (Hrsg.): DOD Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms. Washington DC August 2021, S.210 ( [PDF; abgerufen am 1. September 2021] US Definition): „target — An entity or object that performs a function for the threat considered for possible engagement or other action.“
NATO Standardization Office (Hrsg.): AAP-6 (2020) – NATO Glossary of Terms and Definitions (English and French). Brüssel 18. Dezember 2020, S.127 ( [abgerufen am 1. September 2021] NATO Definition): „target / objectif (Tgt): An area, structure, object, person or group of people against which lethal or non-lethal capability can be employed to create specific psychological or physical effects. Note: The term ‘person' also covers their mindset, thought processes, attitudes and behaviours.“
NATO Standardization Office (Hrsg.): AAP-6 (2020) – NATO Glossary of Terms and Definitions (English and French). Brüssel 18. Dezember 2020, S.62 ( [abgerufen am 1. September 2021] NATO Definition): „high-value target / objectif de grande importance (HVT): A target identified as critical to an actor or organization for achieving its goal.“
NATO Standardization Office (Hrsg.): AAP-6 (2020) – NATO Glossary of Terms and Definitions (English and French). Brüssel 18. Dezember 2020, S.62 ( [abgerufen am 1. September 2021] NATO Definition): „high pay-off target / objectif à haut rendement (HPT): A high value target, the successful influencing of which will offer disproportionate advantage to friendly forces. Note: High-pay-off targets are defined by the value they offer to friendly forces rather than other actors.“