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Samir Kumar Sadhu, Amina Khatun, Takashi Ohtsuki, Masami Ishibashi: First isolation of sesquiterpenes and flavonoids from Zingiber spectabile and identification of zerumbone as the major cell growth inhibitory component. In: Natural Product Research. 21. Jahrgang, Nr.14, 2007, ISSN1478-6419, S.1242–1247, doi:10.1080/14786410701371421.
Samir Kumar Sadhu, Amina Khatun, Takashi Ohtsuki, Masami Ishibashi: First isolation of sesquiterpenes and flavonoids from Zingiber spectabile and identification of zerumbone as the major cell growth inhibitory component. In: Natural Product Research. 21. Jahrgang, Nr.14, 2007, ISSN1478-6419, S.1242–1247, doi:10.1080/14786410701371421.