M. d'Argenson, "Lettre au sujet de la dissertation sur le commerce du marquis de Belloni', Απρίλιος 1751, Journal Oeconomiqueσελ. 111. Δες A. Oncken, Die Maxime Laissez faire et laissez passer, ihr Ursprung, ihr Werden, 1866
Σύμφωνα με το "Eloge de Vincent de Gournay" του Τυργκώ, Mercure, Αύγουστος 1759 (αναπαραγ. στο Oeuvres of Turgot, τόμ. 1 σελ. 288.
Το Principles of Trade του Ουάτλεϋ επανεκτυπώθηκε στο «Έργα του Βενιαμίν Φρανκλίνου τόμ.2» (Works of Benjamin Franklin, Vol.2), p. 401
Christian Gerlach, Wu-Wei in Europe. A Study of Eurasian Economic Thought, London School of Economics – Μάρτιος 2005 σελ. 3:"the diffusion of wu-wei, co-evolved with the
inner-European laissez-faire principle, the Libaniusian model." σελ. 8:"Thus, wu-wei has to be recognized as a laissez-faire instrument of Chinese political economy " σελ. 10:"Practising wu-wei erzhi. Consequently, it is this variant of the laissez-faire maxim in which the basis of Physiocracy’s ‘moral philosophy’ is to be located. Priddat’s work made clear that the wu-wei of the complete économie has to be considered central to Physiocracy; " σελ. 11:"that wu-wei translates into French as laissez-faire"
Adam Smith, Wealth of Nations, "The exclusive privileges of corporations, statutes of apprenticeship, and all those laws which restrain, in particular employments, the competition to a smaller number than might otherwise go into them, have the same tendency, though in a less degree. They are a sort of enlarged monopolies, and may frequently, for ages together, and in whole classes of employments, keep up the market price of particular commodities above the natural price, and maintain both the wages of the labour and the profits of
the stock employed about them somewhat above their natural rate." σελ. 52, http://www.ibiblio.org/ml/libri/s/SmithA_WealthNations_p.pdf