Nabil ArmanΑρχειοθετήθηκε 2012-04-25 στο Wayback Machine., Polytechnic University of Palestine, January 2007, Fault Detection in Dynamic Rule Bases Using Spanning Trees and Disjoin Sets: ""
Nwigbo Stella and Agbo Okechuku ChuksΑρχειοθετήθηκε 2018-04-21 στο Wayback Machine., School of Science Education, Expert system: a catalyst in educational development in Nigeria: "The ability of this system to explain the reasoning process through back-traces (...) provides an additional feature that conventional programming does not handle"
Nwigbo Stella and Agbo Okechuku ChuksΑρχειοθετήθηκε 2018-04-21 στο Wayback Machine., School of Science Education, Expert system: a catalyst in educational development in Nigeria: "Knowledge-based systems collect the small fragments of human know-how into a knowledge-base which is used to reason through a problem, using the knowledge that is appropriated"
Flamant B. and Girard GΑρχειοθετήθηκε 2012-01-28 στο Wayback Machine.., GSI-TECSI, Intelligence Service: build your own expert system : "Intelligence Service is a development environment for expert systems that requires no experience of classic programming that offers to everyone the opportunity to develop its own expert system"
Dr. Nikolai Bezroukov, Softpanorama: "I think that most people exposed to Prolog remember strongly the initial disappointment. Language was/is so hyped but all you can see initially are pretty trivial examples that are solved by complex, obscure notation that lacks real expressive power: some of simple examples can be expressed no less concisely is many other languages"
Olivier Rafal, Le Monde Informatique, Programming for all (T.Rex generator): "This software allows to develop a conversational application (...) leading to a self-learning" (i.e. thanks to the automatic explanations)
French Technology Survey, MAIEUTICA, An Expert System Generator which writes its own rules, July 1991: "checking the coherence of the knowledge", "it can detect contradictions", "it react appropriately to changes of minds"
Bertrand Savatier, Le Monde Informatique, November 23, 1987: "Expert systems accessible to all"
Nwigbo Stella and Agbo Okechuku ChuksΑρχειοθετήθηκε 2018-04-21 στο Wayback Machine., School of Science Education, Expert system: a catalyst in educational development in Nigeria: "The ability of this system to explain the reasoning process through back-traces (...) provides an additional feature that conventional programming does not handle"
Nwigbo Stella and Agbo Okechuku ChuksΑρχειοθετήθηκε 2018-04-21 στο Wayback Machine., School of Science Education, Expert system: a catalyst in educational development in Nigeria: "Knowledge-based systems collect the small fragments of human know-how into a knowledge-base which is used to reason through a problem, using the knowledge that is appropriated"
Nabil ArmanΑρχειοθετήθηκε 2012-04-25 στο Wayback Machine., Polytechnic University of Palestine, January 2007, Fault Detection in Dynamic Rule Bases Using Spanning Trees and Disjoin Sets: ""
Flamant B. and Girard GΑρχειοθετήθηκε 2012-01-28 στο Wayback Machine.., GSI-TECSI, Intelligence Service: build your own expert system : "Intelligence Service is a development environment for expert systems that requires no experience of classic programming that offers to everyone the opportunity to develop its own expert system"