Δεξιός Τομέας (Greek Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Δεξιός Τομέας" in Greek language version.

Global rank Greek rank
1st place
1st place
20th place
61st place
7th place
29th place
254th place
282nd place
61st place
112th place
4,375th place
4,839th place
636th place
2,249th place
2,952nd place
471st place
1,602nd place
1,922nd place
low place
low place
4,564th place
low place
34th place
118th place
269th place
1,023rd place
9th place
31st place
201st place
1,166th place
low place
low place
low place
low place
low place
low place
121st place
59th place
699th place
519th place
2nd place
3rd place
18th place
57th place


  • Katchanovski, Ivan (20 Ιουλίου 2014). «What do citizens of Ukraine actually think about secession?». WashingtonPost.com. D.C. In trying to solve the conflict in Donbas, the Ukrainian government continues to rely on … special police battalions formed with the involvement of far-right parties and organizations, such as the Right Sector and the Social National Assembly. 





  • Andreas Umland; Anton Shekhovtsov (July 2014). «Ukraine's Radical Right». Journal of Democracy 25 (3): 59–60. doi:10.1353/jod.2014.0051. http://muse.jhu.edu/journals/journal_of_democracy/v025/25.3.shekhovtsov.html. Ανακτήθηκε στις 21 July 2014. «Along with Svoboda, the other far-right movement that was a prominent presence on the Maidan was the more diverse, less studied, and now notorious fringe organization that calls itself Pravy Sektor (Right Sector)…. That alliance came into being in late November 2013 as a loose collection of extraparliamentary minigroups from an ultraconservative and partly neo-Nazi fringe. They had names such as the Stepan Bandera All-Ukrainian Organization "Trident" (a moniker meant to combine the memory of a controversial nationalist leader who died in 1959 with the three-pronged heraldic symbol of Ukraine), the Ukrainian National Assembly, the Social-National Assembly, and White Hammer. Their purpose in banding together was to fight Yanukovych's regime by force.». [νεκρός σύνδεσμος]




  • Way, Lucan (July 2014). «Civil Society and Democratization». Journal of Democracy 25 (3). http://muse.jhu.edu.ezp-prod1.hul.harvard.edu/journals/journal_of_democracy/v025/25.3.way.html#back. «It was only after the start of the protests that various small parties and factions of the far right joined to form Right Sector, which came to the fore in the second half of January, when protests turned violent… Democracy is most directly undermined by the numerous associations promoting violence that emerged during the protests. Such associations include the Right Sector's paramilitary formations and the "heavenly hundreds" that arose to fight the police and the pro-Russian titushki or vigilante groups created to harass protesters. Also problematic are the "ultras," groups of hardcore soccer fans that began providing protection for anti-Yanukovych protesters in January. By promoting vigilante violence outside state control, such groups directly threaten democratic development. They facilitate state breakdown and bloody patterns of aggression and retribution, making civil war much more likely.». 



  • Andreas Umland; Anton Shekhovtsov (July 2014). «Ukraine's Radical Right». Journal of Democracy 25 (3): 59–60. doi:10.1353/jod.2014.0051. http://muse.jhu.edu/journals/journal_of_democracy/v025/25.3.shekhovtsov.html. Ανακτήθηκε στις 21 July 2014. «Along with Svoboda, the other far-right movement that was a prominent presence on the Maidan was the more diverse, less studied, and now notorious fringe organization that calls itself Pravy Sektor (Right Sector)…. That alliance came into being in late November 2013 as a loose collection of extraparliamentary minigroups from an ultraconservative and partly neo-Nazi fringe. They had names such as the Stepan Bandera All-Ukrainian Organization "Trident" (a moniker meant to combine the memory of a controversial nationalist leader who died in 1959 with the three-pronged heraldic symbol of Ukraine), the Ukrainian National Assembly, the Social-National Assembly, and White Hammer. Their purpose in banding together was to fight Yanukovych's regime by force.». [νεκρός σύνδεσμος]






  • Nordsieck, Wolfram (2014). «Ukraine». Parties and Elections in Europe. Αρχειοθετήθηκε από το πρωτότυπο στις 12 Ιουνίου 2018. Ανακτήθηκε στις 6 Σεπτεμβρίου 2018. 


  • Ishchenko, Volodymyr (2011). «Fighting Fences vs Fighting Monuments: Politics of Memory and Protest Mobilization in Ukraine». Debatte: Journal of Contemporary Central and Eastern Europe 19 (1-2). «...rightist non-partisan groups including overtly racist "autonomous nationalists" (http://reactor.org.ua) and the neo-Nazi "Patriot of Ukraine" (http://www.patriotukr.org.ua/). For the far right sector politics of memory actions comprised 29.2% of all protest actions with their participation, this was larger than the shares of social-economic, political struggle, and civic rights protest issues (Table 7)… After the notorious death of Maksym Chaika in a fight with antifascists in Odessa in April 2009, Yushchenko unambiguously supported the far right interpretation of the accident claiming the victim to be "an activist of a patriotic civic association" consciously murdered by "pro-Russia militants" ignoring Chaika's connections with rightist football hooligans and his membership in the "SICH" ("Glory and Honor") organization, a participant in the Social-Nationalist Assembly (http://sna.in.ua/) together with the neo-Nazi group "'Patriots of Ukraine.'"». 





  • Ishchenko, Volodymyr (2011). «Fighting Fences vs Fighting Monuments: Politics of Memory and Protest Mobilization in Ukraine». Debatte: Journal of Contemporary Central and Eastern Europe 19 (1-2). «...rightist non-partisan groups including overtly racist "autonomous nationalists" (http://reactor.org.ua) and the neo-Nazi "Patriot of Ukraine" (http://www.patriotukr.org.ua/). For the far right sector politics of memory actions comprised 29.2% of all protest actions with their participation, this was larger than the shares of social-economic, political struggle, and civic rights protest issues (Table 7)… After the notorious death of Maksym Chaika in a fight with antifascists in Odessa in April 2009, Yushchenko unambiguously supported the far right interpretation of the accident claiming the victim to be "an activist of a patriotic civic association" consciously murdered by "pro-Russia militants" ignoring Chaika's connections with rightist football hooligans and his membership in the "SICH" ("Glory and Honor") organization, a participant in the Social-Nationalist Assembly (http://sna.in.ua/) together with the neo-Nazi group "'Patriots of Ukraine.'"». 


  • Ishchenko, Volodymyr (2011). «Fighting Fences vs Fighting Monuments: Politics of Memory and Protest Mobilization in Ukraine». Debatte: Journal of Contemporary Central and Eastern Europe 19 (1-2). «...rightist non-partisan groups including overtly racist "autonomous nationalists" (http://reactor.org.ua) and the neo-Nazi "Patriot of Ukraine" (http://www.patriotukr.org.ua/). For the far right sector politics of memory actions comprised 29.2% of all protest actions with their participation, this was larger than the shares of social-economic, political struggle, and civic rights protest issues (Table 7)… After the notorious death of Maksym Chaika in a fight with antifascists in Odessa in April 2009, Yushchenko unambiguously supported the far right interpretation of the accident claiming the victim to be "an activist of a patriotic civic association" consciously murdered by "pro-Russia militants" ignoring Chaika's connections with rightist football hooligans and his membership in the "SICH" ("Glory and Honor") organization, a participant in the Social-Nationalist Assembly (http://sna.in.ua/) together with the neo-Nazi group "'Patriots of Ukraine.'"». 









  • Pastushenko, Andriy (10 Απριλίου 2014). Про початок Майдану і Правого Сектору (video) (Speech). Press conference. Maidan Press Center, Kiev. It began to rain, and you understand that the police were then panicking at even a single move toward setting up tents. The girls tried to unwrap the usual oilcloth, and the police immediately tore it... Volodya Stretovych, speaking from the podium, then shouted through the microphone: 'Nationalist-guys, hold the right sector, that protects the right side!'