Kipping, D. M.; Forgan, D.; Hartman, J.; Nesvorný, D.; Bakos, G. Á.; Schmitt, A.; Buchhave, L. (2013). «The Hunt for Exomoons with Kepler (Hek). Iii. The First Search for an Exomoon Around a Habitable-Zone Planet». The Astrophysical Journal777 (2): 134. doi:10.1088/0004-637X/777/2/134. Bibcode: 2013ApJ...777..134K.
Borucki, William J.; Koch, David G.; Batalha, Natalie; Bryson, Stephen T.; Rowe, Jason; Fressin, Francois; Torres, Guillermo; Caldwell, Douglas A. και άλλοι. (2012). «Kepler-22b: A 2.4 Earth-radius Planet in the Habitable Zone of a Sun-like Star». The Astrophysical Journal745 (2): 120. doi:10.1088/0004-637X/745/2/120. Bibcode: 2012ApJ...745..120B. The article gives Julian dates, which are converted at imcce.frΑρχειοθετήθηκε 2011-10-22 στο Wayback Machine. (all dates in Univ. Time)
Kipping, D. M.; Forgan, D.; Hartman, J.; Nesvorný, D.; Bakos, G. Á.; Schmitt, A.; Buchhave, L. (2013). «The Hunt for Exomoons with Kepler (Hek). Iii. The First Search for an Exomoon Around a Habitable-Zone Planet». The Astrophysical Journal777 (2): 134. doi:10.1088/0004-637X/777/2/134. Bibcode: 2013ApJ...777..134K.
Borucki, William J.; Koch, David G.; Batalha, Natalie; Bryson, Stephen T.; Rowe, Jason; Fressin, Francois; Torres, Guillermo; Caldwell, Douglas A. και άλλοι. (2012). «Kepler-22b: A 2.4 Earth-radius Planet in the Habitable Zone of a Sun-like Star». The Astrophysical Journal745 (2): 120. doi:10.1088/0004-637X/745/2/120. Bibcode: 2012ApJ...745..120B. The article gives Julian dates, which are converted at imcce.frΑρχειοθετήθηκε 2011-10-22 στο Wayback Machine. (all dates in Univ. Time)
Borucki, William J.; Koch, David G.; Batalha, Natalie; Bryson, Stephen T.; Rowe, Jason; Fressin, Francois; Torres, Guillermo; Caldwell, Douglas A. και άλλοι. (2012). «Kepler-22b: A 2.4 Earth-radius Planet in the Habitable Zone of a Sun-like Star». The Astrophysical Journal745 (2): 120. doi:10.1088/0004-637X/745/2/120. Bibcode: 2012ApJ...745..120B. The article gives Julian dates, which are converted at imcce.frΑρχειοθετήθηκε 2011-10-22 στο Wayback Machine. (all dates in Univ. Time)
Borucki, William J.; Koch, David G.; Batalha, Natalie; Bryson, Stephen T.; Rowe, Jason; Fressin, Francois; Torres, Guillermo; Caldwell, Douglas A. και άλλοι. (2012). «Kepler-22b: A 2.4 Earth-radius Planet in the Habitable Zone of a Sun-like Star». The Astrophysical Journal745 (2): 120. doi:10.1088/0004-637X/745/2/120. Bibcode: 2012ApJ...745..120B. The article gives Julian dates, which are converted at imcce.frΑρχειοθετήθηκε 2011-10-22 στο Wayback Machine. (all dates in Univ. Time)