"The International Centre organises collections of world-wide importance. These collections are the International Museum, the International Library, the International Bibliographic Catalogue and the Universal Documentary Archives. These collections are conceived as parts of one universal body of documentation, as an encyclopedic survey of human knowledge, as an enormous intellectual warehouse of books, documents, catalogues and scientific objects. Established according to standardized methods, they are formed by assembling cooperative everything that the participating associations may gather or classify. Closely consolidated and coordinated in all of their parts and enriched by duplicates of all private works wherever undertaken, these collections will tend progressively to constitute a permanent and complete representation of the entire world (Union of International Associations, 1914, p. 116).Rayward, W Boyd (1994), «Visions of Xanadu: Paul Otlet (1868–1944) and Hypertext», Jasis, 45, σελ. 235–50, http://people.lis.uiuc.edu/~wrayward/otlet/xanadu.htm, ανακτήθηκε στις 2012-03-18.