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Barbey, Aron K.; Colom, Roberto; Grafman, Jordan (2012). «Distributed neural system for emotional intelligence revealed by lesion mapping». Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience9 (3): 265–272. doi:10.1093/scan/nss124. PMID23171618.
Vernon, P.A.; Petrides, K.V.; Bratko, D.; Schermer, J.A. (2008). «A behavioral genetic study of trait emotional intelligence». Emotion8 (5): 635–642. doi:10.1037/a0013439. PMID18837613.
Antonakis, J. (2009). "Emotional intelligence": What does it measure and does it matter for leadership?. In G. B. Graen (Ed). LMX leadership—Game-Changing Designs: Research-Based Tools (Vol. VII) (pp. 163–192). Greenwich, CT: Information Age Publishing. Download article: [1]Αρχειοθετήθηκε 2011-07-16 στο Wayback Machine., link to book:
Antonakis, J. (2009). "Emotional intelligence": What does it measure and does it matter for leadership?. In G. B. Graen (Ed). LMX leadership—Game-Changing Designs: Research-Based Tools (Vol. VII) (pp. 163–192). Greenwich, CT: Information Age Publishing. Download article: [1]Αρχειοθετήθηκε 2011-07-16 στο Wayback Machine., link to book: