*Dʰéǵʰōm (English Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "*Dʰéǵʰōm" in English language version.

Global rank English rank
3rd place
3rd place
2nd place
2nd place
5th place
5th place
26th place
20th place
low place
low place
6th place
6th place
654th place
542nd place
low place
low place
155th place
138th place
121st place
142nd place
11th place
8th place
5,720th place
4,702nd place
666th place
1,300th place
low place
low place
9,183rd place
low place
1st place
1st place
low place
low place
5,396th place
4,339th place
325th place
255th place
621st place
380th place
1,196th place
1,430th place
475th place
5,657th place
1,922nd place
1,922nd place
1,313th place
823rd place
low place
low place
low place
low place
2,280th place
low place
358th place
433rd place
7,277th place
9,350th place
102nd place
76th place
515th place
1,261st place
low place
low place
7,852nd place
4,764th place






  • Polyakova, Natalya V. (2011). Вербализация концепта «Земля» в селькупском и русском языках [Verbalization of the Concept "Earth" in the Selkup and Russian languages]. In: Вестник Томского государственного педагогического университета, (9): 135. URL: https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/verbalizatsiya-kontsepta-zemlya-v-selkupskom-i-russkom-yazykah (дата обращения: 21.04.2021).



  • GAŽSNA KRIVICKIENfE. "Santykiavimas su mirusiais mūsų tautosakoje". Draugas. Publication date: October 27, 1979. Retrieved: April 23, 2021.








  • Vegas-Sansalvador, Ana. "Χαμύνη: an Elean surname of Demeter". In: Achaia und Elis in der Antike: des 1 Internationalen symposiums, Athen 19-21, Mai 1989. Atene: 1991. pp. 145-150. [3]



  • VĪĶE-FREIBERGA, Vaira (1980). "Dzejiskā iztēle latvju dainās" [The poetic imagination of the Latvian dainas]. In: Jaunā Gaita (Hamilton, Ont), 25, Nr. 127, 7-11; Nr. 128 (continued), 15-18.






  • Ляшчынская В. А. "Канцэптуалізацыя заканчэння жыцця чалавека ў беларускай фразеалогіі". In: Вісник Дніпропетровського університету. Серія: Мовознавство. 2013. Т. 21, вип. 19(1). pp. 190-200. Режим доступу: http://nbuv.gov.ua/UJRN/vdumo_2013_21_19(1)__32.



  • Aphrodite A. Avagianou. "Physiology and Mysticism at Pherai. The Funerary Epigram for Lykophron". In Kernos [Online], 15 | 2002, p. 75. Online since 21 April 2011, connection on 20 April 2019. URL: http://journals.openedition.org/kernos/1368 DOI: 10.4000/kernos.1368
  • Aphrodite A. Avagianou. "Physiology and Mysticism at Pherai. The Funerary Epigram for Lykophron". In Kernos [Online], 15 | 2002, p. 75, 86-88. Online since 21 April 2011, connection on 20 April 2019. URL: http://journals.openedition.org/kernos/1368 DOI: 10.4000/kernos.1368








  • Đapović, Lasta S. Zemlja u ritualima i verovanjima Srba [Earth in beliefs and rituals of Serbs]. Beograd: Универзитет у Београду, Филозофски факулте, 1994. pp. 113-115. Doctoral Thesis.
  • Мандић, Марија (2021). "Црна земља у епској формули" [Black Earth in Epic Formula]. In Lidija Delić; Snežana Samardžija (eds.). Towers and Cities (in Serbian). Belgrade: Serbian Folklore Association, Institute for Balkan Studies SASA. pp. 48, 64–68.





  • Lulić-Štorić, Jasenka. "Magija u seoskoj tradicijskoj kulturi Bukovice" [Magic in Rural Folk Culture of Bukovica]. In: Ethnologica Dalmatica br. 9 (2000): 67. https://hrcak.srce.hr/108487




  • Aeschylus (1926). Herbert W. Smyth (transl.) Prometheus Bound. 88. Harvard University Press.
  • Aeschylus (1926). Herbert W. Smyth (transl.) The Libation Bearers. 45. Harvard University Press.
  • Pausanias. Description of Greece, 1.24.3 ff.



  • Jordán Cólera, Carlos (March 16, 2007). "Celtiberian" (PDF). E-Keltoi. 6. Archived from the original (PDF) on 24 June 2011. Retrieved 2 May 2020. p. 757.




  • As an aside, Serbian philogist Aleksandar Loma once suggested that the Slavic name for the Verbascum, divizna (cs), is a dvandva compound of "*div" 'sky' and "*zma" (> zna) 'earth', harking back to the sacred mythological Sky-Earth pair.[211]



  • Ūsaitytė, Jurgita. "Žemės epitetas: tradicijos kaita" [The Epithet of the Earth: The Change of Tradition]. In: Tautosakos darbai [Folklore Studies]. 2000, 19. pp. 58-59, 61. ISSN 1392-2831
  • Zolotnikova, Olga A. "The sanctuary of Zeus in Dodona: Evolution of the religious concept". In: Journal Of Hellenic Religion, 2019, Vol. 12. pp. 89-90. ISSN 1748-782X.
  • Toporkov, Andrei (2018). "'Wondrous Dressing' with Celestial Bodies in Russian Charms and Lyrical Poetry" (PDF). In: Folklore: Electronic Journal of Folklore. 71: 208-209. doi:10.7592/FEJF2018.71.toporkov. ISSN 1406-0949. Archived (PDF) from the original on April 20, 2021.
  • Ūsaitytė, Jurgita. "Motina Žemė: Moteriškumo reprezentacija" [Mother Earth: representation of femininity]. In: Tautosakos darbai [Folklore Studies]. 2002, 23, p. 148. ISSN 1392-2831 [1]
  • Žičkienė, Aušra. "Veliuonos raudos XIX ir XX amžiuje" [Lamentations from Veliuona district recorded in the 19th and 20th centuries]. In: Tautosakos darbai [Folklore Studies] 25, 2003. pp. 33, 35. ISSN 1392-2831
  • Černiauskaitė, Dalia. "Metaforinis mirties temos kodavimas lietuvių laidotuvių raudose" [Metaphor Encoding of Death Theme in the Lithuanian Funeral Laments]. In: Filologija Nr. 11, 2006, pp. 20. ISSN 1392-561X.
  • Ivanauskaitė, Vita. "Mirtis ir laidotuvės vėlyvosiose karinėse-istorinėse dainose: folkloriniai naujos istorinės patirties atspindžiai" [Death and funerals in late Lithuanian military historic songs: folklore reflections of new historical experience]. In: Tautosakos darbai [Folklore Studies] 32, 2006. p. 169. ISSN 1392-2831.
  • Laurinkienė, Nijolė (2008). "Lietuvių žemės deivės vardai" [The Lithuanian names of the Goddess of the Earth]. In: Tautosakos darbai, XXXVI, pp. 73-85. ISSN 1392-2831
  • Ūsaitytė, Jurgita. "Žemės epitetas: tradicijos kaita" [The Epithet of the Earth: The Change of Tradition]. In: Tautosakos darbai [Folklore Studies]. 2000, 19. pp. 56-58, 71. ISSN 1392-2831 [2]
  • Rybarczyk-Dyjewska, Joanna. "БЕЗ ЧЕТЫРЕХ УГЛОВ ДОМ НЕ СТРОИТСЯ – ROSYJSKIE LUDOWE PRAKTYKI MAGICZNE ZWIĄZANE Z GOSPODARSTWEM DOMOWYM" [Без четырех углов дом не строится – Russian folk magical practices connected with home keeping]. In: Przegląd: Wschodnioeuropejski [East European Review] VIII/2. Wydawnictwo: Uniwersytetu Warmińsko-Mazurskiego w Olsztynie [UNIVERSITY OF WARMIA AND MAZURY IN OLSZTYN]. 2017. pp. 324-325. ISSN 2081-1128
  • Zolotnikova, Olga A. "The sanctuary of Zeus in Dodona: Evolution of the religious concept". In: Journal Of Hellenic Religion, 2019, Vol. 12. pp. 89, 108. ISSN 1748-782X
  • Laurinkienė, Nijolė (2008). "Lietuvių žemės deivės vardai" [The Lithuanian names of the Goddess of the Earth]. In: Tautosakos darbai, XXXVI, pp. 77-78. ISSN 1392-2831
  • Vaitkevičienė, Daiva. "Nuliejimas žemei: gėrimo apeigos adresato klausimu" [Libation to earth: regarding an addressee of the drinking ritual]. In: Tautosakos darbai [Folklore Studies]. 2004, 28. pp. 104-117. ISSN 1392-2831 [5]
  • Beresnevičius, Gintaras. "Aisčių mater deum klausimu". In: Liaudies kultūra 2006, Nr. 2, pp. 8-9. ISSN 0236-0551 https://www.lituanistika.lt/content/4244
  • Laurinkienė, Nijolė. "Motina Žemyna baltų deivių kontekste: 1 d.: Tacito mater deum, trakų-frigų Σεμέλη, latvių Zemes māte, Māra, lietuvių bei latvių Laima, Laumė ir lietuvių Austėja" [Mother-Goddess Žemyna in the context of Baltic deities]. In: Liaudies kultūra Nr. 2 (2007). p. 12. ISSN 0236-0551.
  • Opsomer, Jan. "La démiurgie des jeunes dieux selon Proclus". In: Études Classiques Tome 71, Nº. 1: Le "Timée" au fil des âges: son influence et ses lectures. 2003. pp. 18-19 (footnote nr. 47), 25 and 37-38 (footnote nr. 124). ISSN 0014-200X
  • Koch, John T. Celtic Culture: A Historical Encyclopedia. Santa Barbara, California: ABC-CLIO, 2006. Vol. 4, p. 1611. OCLC 635198201
  • Okada Akinori. "The Great Goddesses of Zoroastrianism – Armaiti, Aši and Anahita". In Bulletin of the Society for Near Eastern Studies in Japan (1996) Volume 39, Issue 1, pp. 85, 94-97. ISSN 0030-5219. doi:10.5356/jorient.39.85 (in Japanese)


