Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "101955 Bennu" in English language version.
We think Bennu is a water-rich asteroid
evidence of water ice" "an important product of parent-body aqueous alteration
observations of primitive, water‐rich asteroids
small amounts of opaque phases (e.g., magnetite, Fe-sulfides) known to ...have a large effect on the overall spectral shape
evidence of water ice" "an important product of parent-body aqueous alteration
Water in chondrites is contained within clay minerals, with H2O accounting for up to 10% weight percent...water is also stored in chondrites in direct liquid form as inclusions
water-rich, similar to the CM class of chondrites
observations of primitive, water‐rich asteroids
small amounts of opaque phases (e.g., magnetite, Fe-sulfides) known to ...have a large effect on the overall spectral shape
small amounts of opaque phases (e.g., magnetite, Fe-sulfides) known to ...have a large effect on the overall spectral shape
evidence of water ice" "an important product of parent-body aqueous alteration
Water in chondrites is contained within clay minerals, with H2O accounting for up to 10% weight percent...water is also stored in chondrites in direct liquid form as inclusions
water-rich, similar to the CM class of chondrites
water-rich asteroid
Water in chondrites is contained within clay minerals, with H2O accounting for up to 10% weight percent...water is also stored in chondrites in direct liquid form as inclusions
water-rich, similar to the CM class of chondrites
Water in chondrites is contained within clay minerals, with H2O accounting for up to 10% weight percent...water is also stored in chondrites in direct liquid form as inclusions
water-rich, similar to the CM class of chondrites
evidence of water ice" "an important product of parent-body aqueous alteration
water-rich, similar to the CM class of chondrites
ratios of magnetite are of special interest because...
an important constituent in many of the carbonaceous chondrites