Richard E. Korf, Linear-time disk-based implicit graph search, Journal of the ACM Volume 55 Issue 6 (December 2008), Article 26, pp. 29-30. "For the 4 × 4 Fifteen Puzzle, there are 17 different states at a depth of 80 moves from an initial state with the blank in the corner, while for the 2 × 8 Fifteen Puzzle there is a unique state at the maximum state of 140 moves from the initial state."
A. Brüngger, A. Marzetta, K. Fukuda and J. Nievergelt, The parallel search bench ZRAM and its applications, Annals of Operations Research90 (1999), pp. 45–63. :"Gasser found 9 positions, requiring 80 moves...We have now proved that the hardest 15-puzzle positions require, in fact, 80 moves. We have also discovered two previously unknown positions, requiring exactly 80 moves to be solved."