"The British-American Confederation" The Illustrated London News (February 4, 1865), The Civil War in America from The Illustrated London News. Accessed 20 September 2018
United States Department of State, "Thirty-Eighth Congress, Second Session. Joint Resolution..." Papers Relating to Foreign Affairs, Accompanying the Annual Message of the President to the First Session Thirty-Ninth Congress (1865), pg. 164. Accessed 9 September 2018
United States Department of State, "Mr. Adams to Mr. Seward" Papers Relating to Foreign Affairs, Accompanying the Annual Message of the President to the First Session Thirty-Ninth Congress (1865), pg. 262. Accessed 9 September 2018
United States Department of State, "Lord Monck to Sir F. Bruce" Executive Documents Printed by Order of the House of Representatives, during the First Session of the Thirty-Ninth Congress, 1865-'66 (1865-1866), pg. 184. Accessed 9 September 2018