Saskatoon Fire Department, "Saskatoon Fire Prevention Bulletin," Souvenir; Saskatoon Fire Department; Fire Prevention and First Aid (1919), pg. 29 and after. Accessed 25 March 2020
Testimony of Roderick S. Kennedy (October 3, 1919), Soldiers' Civil Re-Establishment; Proceedings of the Special Committee[...]of the House of Commons[....], pg. 564. Accessed 12 October 2020 (See also "14. Rehabilitation of Returned Soldiers," Canada's Part in the Great War pgs. 49-58)
Testimony of William Lash Miller (June 4, 1919), Proceedings of the [House] Special Committee [on] the Development in Canada of Scientific Research, pgs. 92-5. Accessed 15 October 2020
"Results of Influenza" The (Weston, Ont.) Times & Guide (January 1, 1919), pg. 1. Accessed 30 March 2020.
Testimony of Roderick S. Kennedy (October 3, 1919), Soldiers' Civil Re-Establishment; Proceedings of the Special Committee[...]of the House of Commons[....], pg. 564. Accessed 12 October 2020 (See also "14. Rehabilitation of Returned Soldiers," Canada's Part in the Great War pgs. 49-58)