Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "2020 Green Party of Canada leadership election" in English language version.
Weaver said he has no intentions of running federally.
Furstenau's leadership co-campaign manager said the MLA was "providing a soft endorsement of Amita's candidacy and is also supportive of Annamie Paul's candidacy."
I wholeheartedly endorse Amita Kuttner in their bid to be leader of the Green Party of Canada.
Pierre Nantel will not be running for the leadership of the Green Party.
Luc Joli-Cœur interested in the leadership of the Green Party of Canada
Pierre Nantel is considering running for Green Party leader
Furstenau's leadership co-campaign manager said the MLA was "providing a soft endorsement of Amita's candidacy and is also supportive of Annamie Paul's candidacy."
I wholeheartedly endorse Amita Kuttner in their bid to be leader of the Green Party of Canada.
Luc Joli-Cœur interested in the leadership of the Green Party of Canada
Pierre Nantel is considering running for Green Party leader
Pierre Nantel will not be running for the leadership of the Green Party.
Weaver said he has no intentions of running federally.