Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "2022 Crimean Bridge explosion" in English language version.
Mr Bastrykin said Ukrainian special services and citizens of Russia and other countries took part in the act. [...] "We have already established the route of the truck" that Russian authorities have said set off a bomb and explosion on the bridge, he said. [...] Mr Bastrykin said the truck had been to Bulgaria, Georgia, Armenia, North Ossetia, Krasnodar (a region in southern Russia) and other places.
I've seen plenty of large vehicle-borne IEDs [improvised explosive devices] in my time," a former British army explosives expert told me. "This does not look like one." [...] A more plausible explanation, he said, is a massive explosion below the bridge – probably delivered using some kind of clandestine maritime drone. [...] "Bridges are generally designed to resist downwards loads on the deck and a certain amount of side loading from the wind," he said. "They are not generally engineered to resist upward loads. I think this fact was exploited in the Ukrainian attack.
Russia's government has ordered contractors to finish repairs to a key bridge linking annexed Crimea to Russia by July 2023.
Ruská tajná služba FSB oznámila, že zadržela osm podezřelých z útoku na Kerčský most. Mezi nimi je i pět Rusů, dále pak tři občané Ukrajiny a Arménie. Za organizátora útoku podle ruské agentury TASS označila šéfa ukrajinské vojenské rozvědky Kyryla Budanova. Kyjev se k zodpovědnosti za sobotní explozi na mostě, který spojuje Rusko s anektovaným Krymem, nepřihlásil.[Russia's FSB secret service has announced that it has detained eight suspects in the attack on the Kerch Bridge. Among them there are five Russians, as well as three citizens of Ukraine and Armenia. According to the Russian agency TASS, the head of Ukrainian military intelligence, Kyryla Budanova, was named as the organizer of the attack. Kyiv has not claimed responsibility for Saturday's explosion on the bridge that connects Russia with the annexed Crimea.]
Ruské bezpečnostní složky zveřejnily rentgenový snímek auta, jehož náklad o víkendu způsobil výbuch na Kerčském mostě na Krymu. Na zveřejněném rentgenu však není rezervní kolo, které je vidět na záběrech z kamerového systému a chybí jedna z náprav kamionu. Ruské vyšetřování zatím vedlo k zadržení osmi osob.[Russian security forces have released an X-ray image of the car whose cargo caused an explosion on the Kerch Bridge in Crimea over the weekend. However, the released X-ray does not include the spare wheel that can be seen in CCTV footage and one of the truck's axles is missing. The Russian investigation has so far led to the detention of eight people.]
On both sides of the Crimean bridge – a traffic jam from ships
Balsam na nasze serce, szczególnie, że Putin chyba wczoraj miał urodziny. To dobrze, że taki prezent Putin dostał i oby więcej ich dostawał – mówił w programie 6. Dzień Tygodnia w Radiu ZET o zniszczeniu mostu Krymskiego europoseł Lewicy Robert Biedroń.[A balm for our hearts, especially since Putin had his birthday yesterday. It is good that Putin got such a gift and hopefully he would get more of them – said in the program of the 6th Day of the Week on Radio ZET about the destruction of the Crimean Bridge, MEP Robert Biedroń.]
vast fireball engulfed them, orange mixed with a storm of white-hot fragments swirling around the span
I've seen plenty of large vehicle-borne IEDs [improvised explosive devices] in my time," a former British army explosives expert told me. "This does not look like one." [...] A more plausible explanation, he said, is a massive explosion below the bridge – probably delivered using some kind of clandestine maritime drone. [...] "Bridges are generally designed to resist downwards loads on the deck and a certain amount of side loading from the wind," he said. "They are not generally engineered to resist upward loads. I think this fact was exploited in the Ukrainian attack.
Ruská tajná služba FSB oznámila, že zadržela osm podezřelých z útoku na Kerčský most. Mezi nimi je i pět Rusů, dále pak tři občané Ukrajiny a Arménie. Za organizátora útoku podle ruské agentury TASS označila šéfa ukrajinské vojenské rozvědky Kyryla Budanova. Kyjev se k zodpovědnosti za sobotní explozi na mostě, který spojuje Rusko s anektovaným Krymem, nepřihlásil.[Russia's FSB secret service has announced that it has detained eight suspects in the attack on the Kerch Bridge. Among them there are five Russians, as well as three citizens of Ukraine and Armenia. According to the Russian agency TASS, the head of Ukrainian military intelligence, Kyryla Budanova, was named as the organizer of the attack. Kyiv has not claimed responsibility for Saturday's explosion on the bridge that connects Russia with the annexed Crimea.]
vast fireball engulfed them, orange mixed with a storm of white-hot fragments swirling around the span
On both sides of the Crimean bridge – a traffic jam from ships
Russia's government has ordered contractors to finish repairs to a key bridge linking annexed Crimea to Russia by July 2023.
Balsam na nasze serce, szczególnie, że Putin chyba wczoraj miał urodziny. To dobrze, że taki prezent Putin dostał i oby więcej ich dostawał – mówił w programie 6. Dzień Tygodnia w Radiu ZET o zniszczeniu mostu Krymskiego europoseł Lewicy Robert Biedroń.[A balm for our hearts, especially since Putin had his birthday yesterday. It is good that Putin got such a gift and hopefully he would get more of them – said in the program of the 6th Day of the Week on Radio ZET about the destruction of the Crimean Bridge, MEP Robert Biedroń.]
Mr Bastrykin said Ukrainian special services and citizens of Russia and other countries took part in the act. [...] "We have already established the route of the truck" that Russian authorities have said set off a bomb and explosion on the bridge, he said. [...] Mr Bastrykin said the truck had been to Bulgaria, Georgia, Armenia, North Ossetia, Krasnodar (a region in southern Russia) and other places.
Ruské bezpečnostní složky zveřejnily rentgenový snímek auta, jehož náklad o víkendu způsobil výbuch na Kerčském mostě na Krymu. Na zveřejněném rentgenu však není rezervní kolo, které je vidět na záběrech z kamerového systému a chybí jedna z náprav kamionu. Ruské vyšetřování zatím vedlo k zadržení osmi osob.[Russian security forces have released an X-ray image of the car whose cargo caused an explosion on the Kerch Bridge in Crimea over the weekend. However, the released X-ray does not include the spare wheel that can be seen in CCTV footage and one of the truck's axles is missing. The Russian investigation has so far led to the detention of eight people.]