Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams – CBET No. 507 for (4029) Bridges, 8 May 2006: Photometric observation taken between 11 April and 4 May 2006, revealed that (4029) Bridges is a binary system. Its satellite has an orbital period of 16.31±0.01 hours. The primary has a rotation period of 3.5746±0.0001 hours and a brightness amplitude of 0.20 magnitude. The observed mutual occultation/eclipsing events are 0.06 to 0.12 magnitude deep. The system has a secondary-to-primary mean-diameter ratio of 0.24±0.02 Reported by: D. Higgins, Canberra, Australia; P. Pravec and P. Kusnirak, Ondrejov Observatory; W. Cooney, J. Gross, and D. Terrell, Sonoita Research Observatory, Sonoita, AZ; and R. Stephens, Yucca Valley, CA.
Johnston, Robert. "(4029) Bridges". johnstonsarchive.net. Retrieved 6 April 2017.