600-cell (English Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "600-cell" in English language version.

Global rank English rank
2nd place
2nd place
11th place
8th place
69th place
59th place
120th place
125th place
18th place
17th place
low place
low place
102nd place
76th place
6th place
6th place
451st place
277th place
3rd place
3rd place
26th place
20th place
5th place
5th place
low place
low place
2,594th place
2,546th place
1,725th place
1,828th place
121st place
142nd place
7,640th place
6,190th place


  • Borovik 2006; "The environment which directed the evolution of our brain never provided our ancestors with four-dimensional experiences.... [Nevertheless] we humans are blessed with a remarkable piece of mathematical software for image processing hardwired into our brains. Coxeter made full use of it, and expected the reader to use it.... Visualization is one of the most powerful interiorization techniques. It anchors mathematical concepts and ideas into one of the most powerful parts of our brain, the visual processing module. Coxeter Theory [of polytopes generated by] finite reflection groups allow[s] an approach to their study based on a systematic reduction of complex geometric configurations to much simpler two- and three-dimensional special cases." Borovik, Alexandre (2006). "Coxeter Theory: The Cognitive Aspects". In Davis, Chandler; Ellers, Erich (eds.). The Coxeter Legacy. Providence, Rhode Island: American Mathematical Society. pp. 17–43. ISBN 978-0821837221.














  • Mamone, Pileio & Levitt 2010, p. 1433, §4.1; A Cartesian 4-coordinate point (w,x,y,z) is a vector in 4D space from (0,0,0,0). Four-dimensional real space is a vector space: any two vectors can be added or multiplied by a scalar to give another vector. Quaternions extend the vectorial structure of 4D real space by allowing the multiplication of two 4D vectors and according to
    Mamone, Salvatore; Pileio, Giuseppe; Levitt, Malcolm H. (2010). "Orientational Sampling Schemes Based on Four Dimensional Polytopes". Symmetry. 2 (3): 1423–1449. Bibcode:2010Symm....2.1423M. doi:10.3390/sym2031423.
  • Sadoc & Charvolin 2009, §1.2 The curved space approach; studies the helical orientation of molecules in crystal structures and their imperfect packings ("frustrations") in 3-dimensional space. "The frustration, which arises when the molecular orientation is transported along the two [circular] AB paths of figure 1 [helix], is imposed by the very topological nature of the Euclidean space R3. It would not occur if the molecules were embedded in the non-Euclidean space of the 3-sphere S3, or hypersphere. This space with a homogeneous positive curvature can indeed be described by equidistant and uniformly twisted fibers,[af] along which the molecules can be aligned without any conflict between compactness and torsion.... The fibres of this Hopf fibration are great circles of S3, the whole family of which is also called the Clifford parallels. Two of these fibers are C symmetry axes for the whole fibration; each fibre makes one turn around each axis and regularly rotates when moving from one axis to another.[bf] These fibers build a double twist configuration while staying parallel, i.e. without any frustration, in the whole volume of S3.[bg] They can therefore be used as models to study the condensation of long molecules in the presence of a double twist constraint." Sadoc, J F; Charvolin, J (2009). "3-sphere fibrations: A tool for analyzing twisted materials in condensed matter". Journal of Physics A. 42 (46): 465209. Bibcode:2009JPhA...42T5209S. doi:10.1088/1751-8113/42/46/465209. S2CID 120065066.
  • Mamone, Pileio & Levitt 2010, pp. 1438–1439, §4.5 Regular Convex 4-Polytopes; the 600-cell has 14,400 symmetry operations (rotations and reflections) as enumerated in Table 2, symmetry group 𝛨4.[co] Mamone, Salvatore; Pileio, Giuseppe; Levitt, Malcolm H. (2010). "Orientational Sampling Schemes Based on Four Dimensional Polytopes". Symmetry. 2 (3): 1423–1449. Bibcode:2010Symm....2.1423M. doi:10.3390/sym2031423.
  • Mamone, Pileio & Levitt 2010, §4.5 Regular Convex 4-Polytopes, Table 2. Mamone, Salvatore; Pileio, Giuseppe; Levitt, Malcolm H. (2010). "Orientational Sampling Schemes Based on Four Dimensional Polytopes". Symmetry. 2 (3): 1423–1449. Bibcode:2010Symm....2.1423M. doi:10.3390/sym2031423.



  • Sadoc & Charvolin 2009, §1.2 The curved space approach; studies the helical orientation of molecules in crystal structures and their imperfect packings ("frustrations") in 3-dimensional space. "The frustration, which arises when the molecular orientation is transported along the two [circular] AB paths of figure 1 [helix], is imposed by the very topological nature of the Euclidean space R3. It would not occur if the molecules were embedded in the non-Euclidean space of the 3-sphere S3, or hypersphere. This space with a homogeneous positive curvature can indeed be described by equidistant and uniformly twisted fibers,[af] along which the molecules can be aligned without any conflict between compactness and torsion.... The fibres of this Hopf fibration are great circles of S3, the whole family of which is also called the Clifford parallels. Two of these fibers are C symmetry axes for the whole fibration; each fibre makes one turn around each axis and regularly rotates when moving from one axis to another.[bf] These fibers build a double twist configuration while staying parallel, i.e. without any frustration, in the whole volume of S3.[bg] They can therefore be used as models to study the condensation of long molecules in the presence of a double twist constraint." Sadoc, J F; Charvolin, J (2009). "3-sphere fibrations: A tool for analyzing twisted materials in condensed matter". Journal of Physics A. 42 (46): 465209. Bibcode:2009JPhA...42T5209S. doi:10.1088/1751-8113/42/46/465209. S2CID 120065066.












