E. D. Hondros, publications and co-authors. Additional information: in 1987 he edited with A. Kelly Technology in the 1990s: Promise of Advanced Materials, which was published by the Royal Society (August 1987). In 1998 he wrote The Institute of Advanced Materials – and the Materials Challenge, which was published by the European Commission (December 31, 1989).
The National Archives – MATERIALS SCIENCE CLUB NCUACS 15.8.89/F.186, F.187 1967, 1971–73 (Section F Societies and Organisations NCUACS 15.8.89/F.186 1967–1971) – Contents: Brief correspondence, programme of 1967 AGM and Conference on Materials in Archaeology, Banbury, 22–23 September. Frank was awarded the Club's A. A. Griffith Medal. With a copy of Frank's speech. Brief correspondence and papers, March 1972. Frank was a member of the Awards Sub-Committee which selected the Griffith medallist for 1972. Correspondence, programme of 10th Anniversary meeting, Great Malvern, 24–26 October 1973.
The National Archives – MATERIALS SCIENCE CLUB NCUACS 15.8.89/F.186, F.187 1967, 1971–73 (Section F Societies and Organisations NCUACS 15.8.89/F.186 1967–1971) – Contents: Brief correspondence with J. W. White, Griffith Medallist for 1971, with a copy of his speech.