"The First Wireless Time Signal" (letter from Captain J. L. Jayne), Electrician and Mechanic, January 1913, page 52. (Reprinted from The American Jeweler, October 1912, p. 411).
"Radio Apparatus" (advertisement), Radio Amateur News, October 1919, p. 200.
"Experiments and Results in Wireless Telephony" by John Grant, The American Telephone Journal. Part I: January 26, 1907, pp. 49–51; Part II: February 2, 1907, pp. 68–70, 79–80.
"Wireless Telephony: G. Possibilities" by Reginald A. Fessenden, Transactions of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers, Vol. XXVII (1908), Part I, pp. 606–608.
"Statement of Major Edwin H. Armstrong" (January 15, 1948), "Restrictive union practices of the American Federation of Musicians", United States Congress, House Committee on Education and Labor (1948 hearings), pages 144-145.
"Smart AM Receivers for the 21st Century" by Stephen F. Smith and Thomas F. King, Proceedings of the National Association of Broadcasters Engineering Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada, April 12, 2015, pages 1-2.
"20th Anniversary of First Broadcast" by Raymond Braillard, The (Singapore) Straits Times, 25 April 1934, p. 17 (reprinted from the British Broadcasting Corporation's World-Radio, 30 March 1934, p. 446) (nlb.gov.sg).