Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Abbie Eaton" in English language version.
Spolu s Alexem Demirdjianen a Davidem Rizzem se střídali za volantem Ferrari 488 GT3 slavné stáje AF Corse. Vyhráli třídu amatérů, celkově dojeli na 27. místě. Žádná žena v tomto vytrvalostním šampionátu ještě neslavila, ani nezískala pódium, to zároveň znamená její prozatím nejvýznamnější zářez do statistik mimo rodnou zemi.
clip then cuts to Eaton suited up in a car, saying: "Right, here we go."
... excellent tuition from my instructor, Abbie Eaton ...
"father Paul, who is well placed to comment on his daughters progress having once finished fourth in the National Gearbox Karts Championship before competing in the popular BBC televised 1980s Eurocar Series.
Abbie Eaton, who like Clarkson is from Yorkshire ... she's from Hull. ... she appareaed [sic] on ITV's Drive in 2015, coaching rapper Professor Green in a variety of racing challenges over the course of five weeks - with both eventually winning the series.
new driver to take cars around the "Eboladrome" track - professional racing driver Abbie Eaton.
AF Corse celebrated victory again in the Am Cup thanks to Abigail Eaton, Alex Demirdjian and Davide Rizzo in the #961 Ferrari 488 GT3.
gone to a woman for season two. ... Abbie Eaton, ... omission of her name was actually so glaring that it distracted ... only during the credits ... spokesperson speaking on behalf of Amazon speculated ... producers decided to downplay the role of the driver from a character to merely a driver ... couldn't use an anonymous driver like the other car show does, so this is what we ended up with.
Clarkson stated the team had tested out "former F1 drivers, rally drivers, stunt drivers, test drivers" until they found the fastest, before cutting to Eaton tearing up the track after a "And here she is..."
The way she was introduced on the show – or rather, not introduced ... If The Grand Tour is still facing legal repercussions by featuring a Stig-like persona ... a woman filling the racing shoes would be about as anti-Stig as one can get. But that doesn't explain the no-intro introduction and constant "she" references during the timed lap. The whole thing was extremely awkward, and that's putting it mildly.
May also went on ... after suggesting that The Grand Tour's new racing driver is female. "We tested loads of people and she was the fastest and the best and that's how it should be," he said. "To employ her for any other reason would be patronising."
The Grand Tour finally broke out Eaton for episode two, ... set a time in the Mercedes-AMG GT R around the Eboladrome. ... Due to lots of legal mumbo jumbo, however, the trio couldn't create another faceless racer ... As a result, Eaton is named in the credits, but not the program itself.
"And here she is..." teased Clarkson before showing footage of Eaton tearing up the track.
Winner of the Pro-Am Cup and eighth overall went the way of Ahmad Al Harthy and Jonny Adam aboard an Aston Martin. In the Am category Abigail Eaton, Alex Demirdjian and Davide Rizzo took honours in a Ferrari 488.
new "Stig"? ... "The American" has been sent packing ... the new test-driver taking on the Eboladrome is ... a woman and negotiates the circuit at an impressive clip.
Instructor Licence ... ARDS Grade A