Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Acorn Electron" in English language version.
They figure that if the public wants Electrons, and more than 250,000 have been sold so far, then the time may be ripe to bring out an enhanced model
Acorn's philosophy is to aim the Compact at the home environment with parents buying a computer that their children can 'grow' into.
the range of address bus signals available on the Electron edge connector is greater than is available on the BBC Micro with its collection of connectors and sockets.
British Telecom had the Healthnet terminal on show. This is an Electron with a custom-made expansion box, and it is intended for use where a lot of form-filling is done at many separate sites.
Healthnet is useful in hospitals and the National Health Service as a communications and information system. It transmits forms, letters and memos over the telephone as well as extracting data from the transmitted forms and turning it into clinical management information. Healthnet uses M2105 terminals.
"The program overspill appears as a fluctuating patterned strip at the bottom of the screen", said Payne, "It is the only way it could be released on the Electron".
The filing system used by the ROM cartridge system is in fact the *ROM filing system (RFS) as used on the Beeb, making it a simple task for commercial establishments to blow their own cartridge ROMs. *CAT, LOAD and CHAIN are all available with the RFS.
The additions follow the style and numbering system of the Plus-1 printer, joystick and cartridge software interface. The disk system is the Plus-3, Econet comes with the Plus-2, and the modem connection will be the Plus-4.
With PAGE the same as the tape system – unlike the BBC DFS – tape to disc transfer is easy...
Some versions of the Plus 3 allow both sides of the disc to be used, allowing 640k of information to be stored.