"ČNS IFPI" (in Czech). Hitparáda – Radio Top 100 Oficiální. IFPI Czech Republic. Note: Select 32. týden 2015 in the date selector.
"ČNS IFPI" (in Czech). Hitparáda – Digital Top 100 Oficiální. IFPI Czech Republic. Note: Select 31. týden 2015 in the date selector.
"ČNS IFPI" (in Slovak). Hitparáda – Radio Top 100 Oficiálna. IFPI Czech Republic. Note: insert 201532 into search.
"ČNS IFPI" (in Slovak). Hitparáda – Singles Digital Top 100 Oficiálna. IFPI Czech Republic. Note: Select SINGLES DIGITAL - TOP 100 and insert 201529 into search.
"Media Forest – Weekly Charts. Media Forest. September 21, 2015. Retrieved July 2, 2018. Note: Romanian and international positions are rendered together by the number of plays before resulting an overall chart.
"Media Forest – Weekly Charts. Media Forest. September 21, 2015. Retrieved July 3, 2018. Note: Select 'Songs – TV'. Romanian and international positions are rendered together by the number of plays before resulting an overall chart.
"Classifiche". Musica e Dischi (in Italian). Retrieved June 4, 2022. Set "Tipo" on "Singoli". Then, in the "Artista" field, search "Diana King".