Ericksen, J. L. (1961). "Review: Large elastic deformations and non-linear continuum mechanics by A. E. Green and J. E. Adkins". Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids. 9 (3): 213–214. Bibcode:1961JMPSo...9..213E. doi:10.1016/0022-5096(61)90024-2.
Ericksen, J. L. (1961). "Review: Large elastic deformations and non-linear continuum mechanics by A. E. Green and J. E. Adkins". Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids. 9 (3): 213–214. Bibcode:1961JMPSo...9..213E. doi:10.1016/0022-5096(61)90024-2.
His dissertation consists of two parts: Gliding problems in seaplane theory, The equilibrium and stability of a thin twisted strip. Albert E. Green at the Mathematics Genealogy Project