Gantz, pp. 428–431; Hesiod (Pseudo), Catalogue of Women fr. 165 (Merkelbach–West numbering) from the Oxyrhynchus Papyri XI 1359 fr. 1 (Most, pp. 184–187, Grenfell–Hunt, pp. 52–55—this version of the myth, unlike all others, has Heracles fathering Telephus in Mysia); Alcidamas, Odysseus 16 (Garagin and Woodruff, p. 286); Hecataeus (according to Pausanias, 8.4.9); Hyginus, Fabulae99; Diodorus Siculus, 4.33.10–12; Strabo, 12.8.2, 12.8.4, 13.1.69; Apollodorus, 2.7.4, 3.9.1 (Hesiod and Hyginus have Teuthras adopting Auge).
Euripides' Auge had Auge raped (Collard and Cropp, pp. 260, 264–265, Rosivach, pp. 43–44, Webster, p. 238–240, Winnington-Ingram, p. 333, Huys, pp. 115–116), see also Apollodorus, 2.7.4, 3.9.1, Hyginus, Fabulae99, Pausanias, 8.47.4, Diodorus Siculus, 4.33.8, Strabo, 13.1.69, Ovid, Heroides9.47, Moses of Chorene, Progymnasmata 3.3 (Collard and Cropp, pp. 266–267). In other versions Auge received Heracles willingly: Hesiod (Pseudo), Catalogue of Women fr. 165 (Merkelbach–West numbering) from the Oxyrhynchus Papyri XI 1359 fr. 1 (Most, pp. 184–187, Grenfell–Hunt, pp. 52–55), Hecataeus (according to Pausanias, 8.4.9), Quintus Smyrnaeus, 6.152–153.
Pausanias, 8.4.8, Apollodorus, 3.9.1, Apollonius Rhodius, Argonautica1.161–171, Hyginus, Fabulae14 and Diodorus Siculus, 4.68.1. Of the sources given here, only Diodorus Siculus mentions Alcidice. Pausanias, gives no mother. Apollodorus names Neaera the daughter of Pereus as mother (but compare with Pausanias, 8.4.6
which says that Neaera married Autolycus), and has Amphidamas as a son of Lycurgus. Hyginus says that Cleobule was the mother of the Argonauts Amphidamas and Cepheus.
Gantz, pp. 428–431; Hesiod (Pseudo), Catalogue of Women fr. 165 (Merkelbach–West numbering) from the Oxyrhynchus Papyri XI 1359 fr. 1 (Most, pp. 184–187, Grenfell–Hunt, pp. 52–55—this version of the myth, unlike all others, has Heracles fathering Telephus in Mysia); Alcidamas, Odysseus 16 (Garagin and Woodruff, p. 286); Hecataeus (according to Pausanias, 8.4.9); Hyginus, Fabulae99; Diodorus Siculus, 4.33.10–12; Strabo, 12.8.2, 12.8.4, 13.1.69; Apollodorus, 2.7.4, 3.9.1 (Hesiod and Hyginus have Teuthras adopting Auge).
This is according to a declamation attributed to the fourth century BC orator Alcidamas, Odysseus 14-16 (Garagin and Woodruff, p. 286) which probably used Sophocles' play Aleadai as a source (see Gantz, p. 428). Alcidamas is the only source for the oracle given to Aleus (see Jebb, I, p.46, 47). As for Auge being a priestess of Athena see also, Euripides, Auge, test. iia (Hypothesis), Collard and Cropp, pp. 264–267; Apollodorus, 3.9.1; Pausanias, 8.45.4–7, 8.47.2 and 8.47.4; Moses of Chorene, Progymnasmata 3.3 (Collard and Cropp, pp. 266–267).
Alcidamas, Odysseus 14 (Garagin and Woodruff, p. 286), says that Heracles stopped at Tegea on his way to Elis to make war on Augeas; Apolodorus, 2.7.2–4 and Diodorus Siculus, 4.33 say that he was on his way back from Elis and his subsequent campaign against Hippocoon in Sparta.
Euripides' Auge had Auge raped (Collard and Cropp, pp. 260, 264–265, Rosivach, pp. 43–44, Webster, p. 238–240, Winnington-Ingram, p. 333, Huys, pp. 115–116), see also Apollodorus, 2.7.4, 3.9.1, Hyginus, Fabulae99, Pausanias, 8.47.4, Diodorus Siculus, 4.33.8, Strabo, 13.1.69, Ovid, Heroides9.47, Moses of Chorene, Progymnasmata 3.3 (Collard and Cropp, pp. 266–267). In other versions Auge received Heracles willingly: Hesiod (Pseudo), Catalogue of Women fr. 165 (Merkelbach–West numbering) from the Oxyrhynchus Papyri XI 1359 fr. 1 (Most, pp. 184–187, Grenfell–Hunt, pp. 52–55), Hecataeus (according to Pausanias, 8.4.9), Quintus Smyrnaeus, 6.152–153.
Alcidamas, Odysseus 15 (Garagin and Woodruff, p. 286), Pausanias, 8.48.7 and Diodorus Siculus, 4.33.8, which adds that Aleus did not believe Auge when she told him that Heracles was the father. Apollodorus, 3.9.1 says simply that Naupliaus was to kill Auge. Moses of Chorene, Progymnasmata 3.3 (Collard and Cropp, pp. 266–267), says that Auge was to be "drowned in the ocean", but does not mention Nauplius.
Alcidamas, Odysseus 16 (Garagin and Woodruff, p. 286); compare with Diodorus Siculus, 4.33.10, where Nauplius gave Auge to "some Carians" who ultimately gave her to Teuthras, and Apollodorus, 2.7.4, where (contradicting 3.9.1) Aleus gave Auge to Nauplius "to sell far away in a foreign land; and Nauplius gave her to Teuthras".
Euripides' Telephus, fr. 696 has Telephus say that Auge "bore me secretly" (Collard and Cropp (2), pp. 194–195; Page, p. 131), see also Pausanias, 8.4.9. Euripides, Auge had Auge give birth in the temple and hide it there, (see Aristophanes, Frogs1080, with Tzetzes on Aristophanes, Frogs 1080, test. iii, Collard and Cropp, pp. 266–267, and frs. 266, 267, pp. 270–271; Webster, p. 239; Huys p. 115). Apollodorus 2.7.4, 3.9.1, says that pestilence and pollution caused the birth to be discovered, events suggested by Auge frs. 266, 267 (Collard and Cropp, pp. 260, 270–271).
Hecataeus (Pausanias, 8.4.9). See also Strabo, 13.1.69, which attributes this to Euripides, if so then this would have presumably been in Euripide's Auge (see Webster, p. 238) however Strabo's attribution may be erroneous (see Collard and Cropp, p. 261).
Alcidamas, Odysseus 16 (Garagin and Woodruff, p. 286); Euripides, Auge (Collard and Cropp, p. 261, Webster, pp. 238—240); Strabo, 12.8.2, 12.8.4, 13.1.69; Moses of Chorene, Progymnasmata 3.3 (Collard and Cropp, pp. 266–267).
Sophocles, Aleadae fr. 89 (Lloyd-Jones, Sophocles Fragmentsp. 40–41), Apollodorus, 2.7.4, Diodorus Siculus, 4.33.11, Hyginus, Fabulae99, 252, Pausanias, 8.48.7, 8.54.6, Quintus Smyrnaeus, 6.154–156, Moses of Chorene, Progymnasmata 3.3 (Collard and Cropp, pp. 266–267). In the Telephus frieze from the Pergamon Altar, Telephus is shown being suckled by a lioness (Heres, p. 85).
Euripides, Telephus fr. 696 (Collard and Cropp (2), pp. 194–195, Page, pp. 131–133, Webster, p. 238), Apollodorus, 3.9.1, Hyginus, Fabulae100, Diodorus Siculus, 4.33.11–12.
Euripides' Auge had Auge raped (Collard and Cropp, pp. 260, 264–265, Rosivach, pp. 43–44, Webster, p. 238–240, Winnington-Ingram, p. 333, Huys, pp. 115–116), see also Apollodorus, 2.7.4, 3.9.1, Hyginus, Fabulae99, Pausanias, 8.47.4, Diodorus Siculus, 4.33.8, Strabo, 13.1.69, Ovid, Heroides9.47, Moses of Chorene, Progymnasmata 3.3 (Collard and Cropp, pp. 266–267). In other versions Auge received Heracles willingly: Hesiod (Pseudo), Catalogue of Women fr. 165 (Merkelbach–West numbering) from the Oxyrhynchus Papyri XI 1359 fr. 1 (Most, pp. 184–187, Grenfell–Hunt, pp. 52–55), Hecataeus (according to Pausanias, 8.4.9), Quintus Smyrnaeus, 6.152–153.
Sophocles, Aleadae fr. 89 (Lloyd-Jones, Sophocles Fragmentsp. 40–41), Apollodorus, 2.7.4, Diodorus Siculus, 4.33.11, Hyginus, Fabulae99, 252, Pausanias, 8.48.7, 8.54.6, Quintus Smyrnaeus, 6.154–156, Moses of Chorene, Progymnasmata 3.3 (Collard and Cropp, pp. 266–267). In the Telephus frieze from the Pergamon Altar, Telephus is shown being suckled by a lioness (Heres, p. 85).
An early genealogy in Hesiod's Catalogue of Women (Hesiod fr. 129 Merkelbach–West numbering, Most, pp. 148–151) has Stheneboea as the daughter of Aleus' father Apheidas (see also Apollodorus 3.9.1) but by the time of Euripides' lost tragedy Stheneboea her father is Iobates (Gantz, pp. 311–312), see Apollodorus, 2.2.1, Hyginus, Fabulae57.
Pausanias, 8.4.8, Apollodorus, 3.9.1, Apollonius Rhodius, Argonautica1.161–171, Hyginus, Fabulae14 and Diodorus Siculus, 4.68.1. Of the sources given here, only Diodorus Siculus mentions Alcidice. Pausanias, gives no mother. Apollodorus names Neaera the daughter of Pereus as mother (but compare with Pausanias, 8.4.6
which says that Neaera married Autolycus), and has Amphidamas as a son of Lycurgus. Hyginus says that Cleobule was the mother of the Argonauts Amphidamas and Cepheus.
Gantz, pp. 428–431; Hesiod (Pseudo), Catalogue of Women fr. 165 (Merkelbach–West numbering) from the Oxyrhynchus Papyri XI 1359 fr. 1 (Most, pp. 184–187, Grenfell–Hunt, pp. 52–55—this version of the myth, unlike all others, has Heracles fathering Telephus in Mysia); Alcidamas, Odysseus 16 (Garagin and Woodruff, p. 286); Hecataeus (according to Pausanias, 8.4.9); Hyginus, Fabulae99; Diodorus Siculus, 4.33.10–12; Strabo, 12.8.2, 12.8.4, 13.1.69; Apollodorus, 2.7.4, 3.9.1 (Hesiod and Hyginus have Teuthras adopting Auge).
Alcidamas, Odysseus 14 (Garagin and Woodruff, p. 286), says that Heracles stopped at Tegea on his way to Elis to make war on Augeas; Apolodorus, 2.7.2–4 and Diodorus Siculus, 4.33 say that he was on his way back from Elis and his subsequent campaign against Hippocoon in Sparta.
Euripides' Auge had Auge raped (Collard and Cropp, pp. 260, 264–265, Rosivach, pp. 43–44, Webster, p. 238–240, Winnington-Ingram, p. 333, Huys, pp. 115–116), see also Apollodorus, 2.7.4, 3.9.1, Hyginus, Fabulae99, Pausanias, 8.47.4, Diodorus Siculus, 4.33.8, Strabo, 13.1.69, Ovid, Heroides9.47, Moses of Chorene, Progymnasmata 3.3 (Collard and Cropp, pp. 266–267). In other versions Auge received Heracles willingly: Hesiod (Pseudo), Catalogue of Women fr. 165 (Merkelbach–West numbering) from the Oxyrhynchus Papyri XI 1359 fr. 1 (Most, pp. 184–187, Grenfell–Hunt, pp. 52–55), Hecataeus (according to Pausanias, 8.4.9), Quintus Smyrnaeus, 6.152–153.
Alcidamas, Odysseus 15 (Garagin and Woodruff, p. 286), Pausanias, 8.48.7 and Diodorus Siculus, 4.33.8, which adds that Aleus did not believe Auge when she told him that Heracles was the father. Apollodorus, 3.9.1 says simply that Naupliaus was to kill Auge. Moses of Chorene, Progymnasmata 3.3 (Collard and Cropp, pp. 266–267), says that Auge was to be "drowned in the ocean", but does not mention Nauplius.
Alcidamas, Odysseus 16 (Garagin and Woodruff, p. 286); compare with Diodorus Siculus, 4.33.10, where Nauplius gave Auge to "some Carians" who ultimately gave her to Teuthras, and Apollodorus, 2.7.4, where (contradicting 3.9.1) Aleus gave Auge to Nauplius "to sell far away in a foreign land; and Nauplius gave her to Teuthras".
Diodorus Siculus, 4.33.9, 4.33.11. Compare with Hyginus, Fabulae99, which has Auge abandoning Telephus on Parthenius while fleeing to Mysia.
Sophocles, Aleadae fr. 89 (Lloyd-Jones, Sophocles Fragmentsp. 40–41), Apollodorus, 2.7.4, Diodorus Siculus, 4.33.11, Hyginus, Fabulae99, 252, Pausanias, 8.48.7, 8.54.6, Quintus Smyrnaeus, 6.154–156, Moses of Chorene, Progymnasmata 3.3 (Collard and Cropp, pp. 266–267). In the Telephus frieze from the Pergamon Altar, Telephus is shown being suckled by a lioness (Heres, p. 85).
Euripides, Telephus fr. 696 (Collard and Cropp (2), pp. 194–195, Page, pp. 131–133, Webster, p. 238), Apollodorus, 3.9.1, Hyginus, Fabulae100, Diodorus Siculus, 4.33.11–12.
Apollodorus, 1.8.2 says that Ancaeus was accompanied by Cepheus also a son of Lycurgus. Ovid, Metamorphoses 8.315, 8.391–402, 8.519, Seneca, Medea643, Hyginus, Fabulae173Archived 2014-11-05 at the Wayback Machine.
An early genealogy in Hesiod's Catalogue of Women (Hesiod fr. 129 Merkelbach–West numbering, Most, pp. 148–151) has Stheneboea as the daughter of Aleus' father Apheidas (see also Apollodorus 3.9.1) but by the time of Euripides' lost tragedy Stheneboea her father is Iobates (Gantz, pp. 311–312), see Apollodorus, 2.2.1, Hyginus, Fabulae57.
Pausanias, 8.4.8, Apollodorus, 3.9.1, Apollonius Rhodius, Argonautica1.161–171, Hyginus, Fabulae14 and Diodorus Siculus, 4.68.1. Of the sources given here, only Diodorus Siculus mentions Alcidice. Pausanias, gives no mother. Apollodorus names Neaera the daughter of Pereus as mother (but compare with Pausanias, 8.4.6
which says that Neaera married Autolycus), and has Amphidamas as a son of Lycurgus. Hyginus says that Cleobule was the mother of the Argonauts Amphidamas and Cepheus.
Gantz, pp. 428–431; Hesiod (Pseudo), Catalogue of Women fr. 165 (Merkelbach–West numbering) from the Oxyrhynchus Papyri XI 1359 fr. 1 (Most, pp. 184–187, Grenfell–Hunt, pp. 52–55—this version of the myth, unlike all others, has Heracles fathering Telephus in Mysia); Alcidamas, Odysseus 16 (Garagin and Woodruff, p. 286); Hecataeus (according to Pausanias, 8.4.9); Hyginus, Fabulae99; Diodorus Siculus, 4.33.10–12; Strabo, 12.8.2, 12.8.4, 13.1.69; Apollodorus, 2.7.4, 3.9.1 (Hesiod and Hyginus have Teuthras adopting Auge).
This is according to a declamation attributed to the fourth century BC orator Alcidamas, Odysseus 14-16 (Garagin and Woodruff, p. 286) which probably used Sophocles' play Aleadai as a source (see Gantz, p. 428). Alcidamas is the only source for the oracle given to Aleus (see Jebb, I, p.46, 47). As for Auge being a priestess of Athena see also, Euripides, Auge, test. iia (Hypothesis), Collard and Cropp, pp. 264–267; Apollodorus, 3.9.1; Pausanias, 8.45.4–7, 8.47.2 and 8.47.4; Moses of Chorene, Progymnasmata 3.3 (Collard and Cropp, pp. 266–267).
Alcidamas, Odysseus 14 (Garagin and Woodruff, p. 286), says that Heracles stopped at Tegea on his way to Elis to make war on Augeas; Apolodorus, 2.7.2–4 and Diodorus Siculus, 4.33 say that he was on his way back from Elis and his subsequent campaign against Hippocoon in Sparta.
Euripides' Auge had Auge raped (Collard and Cropp, pp. 260, 264–265, Rosivach, pp. 43–44, Webster, p. 238–240, Winnington-Ingram, p. 333, Huys, pp. 115–116), see also Apollodorus, 2.7.4, 3.9.1, Hyginus, Fabulae99, Pausanias, 8.47.4, Diodorus Siculus, 4.33.8, Strabo, 13.1.69, Ovid, Heroides9.47, Moses of Chorene, Progymnasmata 3.3 (Collard and Cropp, pp. 266–267). In other versions Auge received Heracles willingly: Hesiod (Pseudo), Catalogue of Women fr. 165 (Merkelbach–West numbering) from the Oxyrhynchus Papyri XI 1359 fr. 1 (Most, pp. 184–187, Grenfell–Hunt, pp. 52–55), Hecataeus (according to Pausanias, 8.4.9), Quintus Smyrnaeus, 6.152–153.
Alcidamas, Odysseus 15 (Garagin and Woodruff, p. 286), Pausanias, 8.48.7 and Diodorus Siculus, 4.33.8, which adds that Aleus did not believe Auge when she told him that Heracles was the father. Apollodorus, 3.9.1 says simply that Naupliaus was to kill Auge. Moses of Chorene, Progymnasmata 3.3 (Collard and Cropp, pp. 266–267), says that Auge was to be "drowned in the ocean", but does not mention Nauplius.
Alcidamas, Odysseus 16 (Garagin and Woodruff, p. 286); compare with Diodorus Siculus, 4.33.10, where Nauplius gave Auge to "some Carians" who ultimately gave her to Teuthras, and Apollodorus, 2.7.4, where (contradicting 3.9.1) Aleus gave Auge to Nauplius "to sell far away in a foreign land; and Nauplius gave her to Teuthras".
Euripides' Telephus, fr. 696 has Telephus say that Auge "bore me secretly" (Collard and Cropp (2), pp. 194–195; Page, p. 131), see also Pausanias, 8.4.9. Euripides, Auge had Auge give birth in the temple and hide it there, (see Aristophanes, Frogs1080, with Tzetzes on Aristophanes, Frogs 1080, test. iii, Collard and Cropp, pp. 266–267, and frs. 266, 267, pp. 270–271; Webster, p. 239; Huys p. 115). Apollodorus 2.7.4, 3.9.1, says that pestilence and pollution caused the birth to be discovered, events suggested by Auge frs. 266, 267 (Collard and Cropp, pp. 260, 270–271).
Hecataeus (Pausanias, 8.4.9). See also Strabo, 13.1.69, which attributes this to Euripides, if so then this would have presumably been in Euripide's Auge (see Webster, p. 238) however Strabo's attribution may be erroneous (see Collard and Cropp, p. 261).
Alcidamas, Odysseus 16 (Garagin and Woodruff, p. 286); Euripides, Auge (Collard and Cropp, p. 261, Webster, pp. 238—240); Strabo, 12.8.2, 12.8.4, 13.1.69; Moses of Chorene, Progymnasmata 3.3 (Collard and Cropp, pp. 266–267).
Apollodorus, 2.7.4, 3.9.1. Moses of Chorene, Progymnasmata 3.3 (Collard and Cropp, pp. 266–267) says simply that Aleus "ordered Telephus to be cast out in a deserted place".
Sophocles, Aleadae fr. 89 (Lloyd-Jones, Sophocles Fragmentsp. 40–41), Apollodorus, 2.7.4, Diodorus Siculus, 4.33.11, Hyginus, Fabulae99, 252, Pausanias, 8.48.7, 8.54.6, Quintus Smyrnaeus, 6.154–156, Moses of Chorene, Progymnasmata 3.3 (Collard and Cropp, pp. 266–267). In the Telephus frieze from the Pergamon Altar, Telephus is shown being suckled by a lioness (Heres, p. 85).
Euripides, Telephus fr. 696 (Collard and Cropp (2), pp. 194–195, Page, pp. 131–133, Webster, p. 238), Apollodorus, 3.9.1, Hyginus, Fabulae100, Diodorus Siculus, 4.33.11–12.
Apollodorus, 1.8.2 says that Ancaeus was accompanied by Cepheus also a son of Lycurgus. Ovid, Metamorphoses 8.315, 8.391–402, 8.519, Seneca, Medea643, Hyginus, Fabulae173Archived 2014-11-05 at the Wayback Machine.
Apollodorus, 1.8.2 says that Ancaeus was accompanied by Cepheus also a son of Lycurgus. Ovid, Metamorphoses 8.315, 8.391–402, 8.519, Seneca, Medea643, Hyginus, Fabulae173Archived 2014-11-05 at the Wayback Machine.