Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Aligarh Institute Gazette" in English language version.
In the copies of The Aligarh Institute Gazette from its start to October 1897 the name of Sir Syed Ahmad Khan Bahadur is clearly mentioned as the Editor.101 Copies of the journal from November 1897 to 1899 are not available even at Aligarh.
On his transfer to Aligarh, it was considerably expanded and renamed the Scientific Society; its organ the famous Aligarh Institute Gazette was started on March 30, 1866. The same year he also formed the British Indian Association with the ...
... policy of the cultivation of Western arts and sciences through the medium of the local languages the Society started a weekly newspaper the Aligarh Institute Gazette on 30 March 1866 with a slogan "to permit the liberty of the press is the part ...
In connection with the society, a newspaper called the Aligarh Institute Gazette is published. Part of its contents are printed in Urdu alone, part in English, and a portion also in both languages. It consists largely of extracts from the English ...
the Aligarh School Shan Muhammad ... his 'School' Syed started in 1866 the Aligarh Institute Gazette, a bi-weekly in two columns. ... Head Master English School, Aligarh and Honorary Secretary of the Society while the Vernacular columns were edited by Munshi Mohammad Yar Khan.
... to found a separate Mohammedan Anglo-Oriental Defence Association of Upper India to mobilize Muslim public opinion ... His 'Aligarh Institute Gazette had a circulation of no more than four hundred. ... In collaboration with the district officers, they played a leading role in the establishment of the Board of Trustees and in ...
And in 1903, the Aligarh Institute Gazette took up the task of mobilizing support for the proposal. The Gazette wrote that the Musalmans of India, on account of their religious unity, were fit to become a nation,2 and ...