Jeong Hye-yeon (October 8, 2020). '큐브통신' 비투비 이민혁, 전역 후 첫 공식 촬영..거침없는 예능감 발산 ['Cube Communication' BtoB Lee Min-hyuk, the first official filming after the military]. HeraldPop. Retrieved 2020-10-11.
Kim Na-yeon (July 23, 2020). '큐브통신' 펜타곤, 각종 논란 해명→충격 제보…'폭소 유발' 예고 [Cube Communication ' Pentagon explains various controversies → Reports shock... Notice of'cause of laughter']. Single List. Retrieved 2020-08-02.
Kim Na-yeon (October 29, 2020). '큐브통신' 옌안 "평소 펜타곤 노래 밖에 안 들어"…멤버들 향한 진심 고백 ['Cube communication' Yanan "I usually only listen to Pentagon songs"...Confession of sincerity to the members]. Single List.
Cheon Seol-hwa (October 22, 2020). CLC(씨엘씨) 승희 폭로, “승연, 자기 발톱이 부러져도 몰라!” [CLC (CLC) Seunghee exposure, “Seungyeon, I don’t know if my toenail is broken!”]. Star Daily.
Seo Sang-hyun (November 12, 2020). ‘큐브통신’이창섭X유선호, 특집에서 선보인 찰떡궁합 케미 ['Cube Communication' Lee Chang-seop X Yoo Seon-ho, the perfect match chemistry presented in a special feature]. Top Daily.
Lee Jeongbeom (November 5, 2020). 비투비 포유(BTOB 4U) 이민혁, ‘큐브통신’서 학창시절 사진 전격 공개 [BTOB 4U Lee Min-hyuk reveals photos of her school days at'Cube Communication']. Xportsnew.