This number includes not only the casualties in Alme, Altenau and Lippe area, but all victims in the disaster area, which extended as far as Thüringen, Sachsen-Anhalt, and Saxony. See "Heinrichsflut" on German Wikipedia; cf. "Heinrichsflut" on the Website of German Weather Service DWD (only in German) [last retrieved on 2018-07-22] The death toll in the region is given as 11 on German Wikipedia in the article "Wasserverband Obere Lippe"
"Heinrichsflut" on German Wikipedia [last retrieved on 2018-07-22]
This number includes not only the casualties in Alme, Altenau and Lippe area, but all victims in the disaster area, which extended as far as Thüringen, Sachsen-Anhalt, and Saxony. See "Heinrichsflut" on German Wikipedia; cf. "Heinrichsflut" on the Website of German Weather Service DWD (only in German) [last retrieved on 2018-07-22] The death toll in the region is given as 11 on German Wikipedia in the article "Wasserverband Obere Lippe"
see paragraph above or entry "Heinrichsflut" on German Wikipedia
"Der Wasserverband Obere Lippe (WOL) wurde 1971 von den damaligen Kreisen Büren, Paderborn und Lippstadt als Reaktion auf die Heinrichsflut vom 16.-17. Juli 1965 gegründet." (retrieved from 2018-07-22)