National Calling to Account Department (=National War Judge against the inner enemies such as communist, spies, defeatists[who were not willing to fight any more] and another minor criminals but even the non obeying party members as well).
This Arrow Cross Party organization was founded on November 1, 1944. It is responsible for overseeing public institutions and civil servants, commenting on bills, and prosecuting politicians. National Calling to Account Detachment (Nemzeti Számonkérő Különítmény) in order to “monitor phenomena endangering the implementation of Hungarist objectives” and “participate in the exposure of anti-state and -community crimes.” This 400-member organization operated in cooperation with the German Gestapo to neutralize enemies of the Arrow Cross government, killing and executing hundreds of people in the process With the end of the arrow rule, it ceased.
Kovacs, Tamas: [History of the] Nemzeti Számonkérő Különítmény. In: Múltunk. 2006/3. 71-100. p.