ABC 25 October 1987, available here, ABC 18 February 1955, available here
the most specific source mentions an unidentified "87 batallón de ametralladoras", ABC 18 February 1955, available here. Others are less detailed, see Diario Vasco 13 June 2009, available here, and refer generally to his role of a chaplain in Carlist units, see Jeremy MacClancy, The Decline of Carlism, Reno 2000, ISBN9780874173444, p. 306. or in "batallón del Ejército de Franco", ABC 25 October 1987, available here
he became renowned for declining a generous grant for renovation of the destitute Cádiz Cathedral, claiming that in the city with so many social needs it would have been immoral, Bausset 2014. He was last noted as leading marriage ceremonies of local aristocrats in 1959 see ABC 23 October 1959, available here
see e.g. ABC 16 March 2000, available here. Jaime Garcia Añoveros was the son of María Luisa Añoveros Ataún, the sister of Antonio, compare María Luisa Añoveros Ataún entry, [in:] Geni genealogical service, available here
ABC 31 December 1987, available here, La Vanguardia 25 October 1987, available here
ETA violence was for the first time explicitly condemned by the Basque bishops in 1981. According to the author, Añoveros and Setien "coincidieron en defender las revindicaciones de ETA al tiempo que condenaban la violencia"; the former noted on 18 May 1975 that "violence can be eradicated only by doing away with its causes". The spirit of episcopal communication started to change in the early 1980s. The process climaxed in 2000, when the then bishop of Bilbao Ricardo Blazquez asked the victims of ETA terror to forgive the Basque hierarchy the lack of sufficiently clear stand, ABC 22 January 2001, available here
ABC 25 October 1987, available here, ABC 18 February 1955, available here
El Siglo Futuro 18 January 1936, available here, ABC 18 February 1955, available here; he animated AC also during the war, Manuel Martorell Pérez, La continuidad ideológica del carlismo tras la Guerra Civil [PhD thesis], Valencia 2009, p. 297
the most specific source mentions an unidentified "87 batallón de ametralladoras", ABC 18 February 1955, available here. Others are less detailed, see Diario Vasco 13 June 2009, available here, and refer generally to his role of a chaplain in Carlist units, see Jeremy MacClancy, The Decline of Carlism, Reno 2000, ISBN9780874173444, p. 306. or in "batallón del Ejército de Franco", ABC 25 October 1987, available here
ABC 18 February 1955, available here; it was directed by Pablo Gurpide, Dronda Martínez 2013, pp. 125, 131–133
ABC 18 February 1955, available here, Gorritxategi San Sebastián 2009
Pawel Milcarek, Wprowadzenie do lektury Nostra aetate, [in:] Academia service, available here
claiming the common good was not compatible with dissemination of error, Laboa Gallego 2005, p. 42, Paweł Milcarek, Wprowadzenie do lektury Dignitatis humanae, [in:] Academia service, available here
see Monasterio entry, [in:] Antzinako genealogical service, available here, Eusebio Gorritxategi San Sebastián, El centenario del obispo incómodo, [in:] Diario Vasco 13 June 2009, available here
see the diocesis' Boletín Oficial/Aldizkari nagusia 7-8/2015, available hereArchived 10 May 2017 at the Wayback Machine
compare Jornal do Brasil 2 March 74, available here
El Siglo Futuro 18 January 1936, available here, ABC 18 February 1955, available here; he animated AC also during the war, Manuel Martorell Pérez, La continuidad ideológica del carlismo tras la Guerra Civil [PhD thesis], Valencia 2009, p. 297
as viceconsiliario diocesano, El Siglo Futuro 18 January 1936, available here
in Cadiz his key concerns are listed as "el seminario, la conciencia social, la alfabetización y la vivienda", La Historia, [in:] Catedral de Cádiz service, available here
Antonio Añoveros Ataun entry, [in:] Auñamendi Eusko Entziklopedia, available here, Bishop Antonio Añoveros Ataún entry, [in:] Catholic Hierarchy service, available here
Bausset 2014, Felix Garcia Olano, Cuarenta años del „caso Añoveros", [in:] service 03.19.14, available hereArchived 11 May 2017 at the Wayback Machine, O caso Añoveros, [in:] La Voz de Galicia 19 July 2014, available here, Imágenes de la Transición: El caso Añoveros, [in:] Siro service 19 July 2014, available hereArchived 24 September 2016 at the Wayback Machine
the most specific source mentions an unidentified "87 batallón de ametralladoras", ABC 18 February 1955, available here. Others are less detailed, see Diario Vasco 13 June 2009, available here, and refer generally to his role of a chaplain in Carlist units, see Jeremy MacClancy, The Decline of Carlism, Reno 2000, ISBN9780874173444, p. 306. or in "batallón del Ejército de Franco", ABC 25 October 1987, available here
Antonio Añoveros y Ataun entry, [in:] Diocesis Malaga service, available here
Antonio Añoveros y Ataun entry, [in:] Diocesis Malaga service, available here
La Vanguardia 17 June 1973, available here; compare also his personal letter to Carrero Blanco of December 1972, reading "la palabras de VE estimo que no han contribuido a sembrar la paz y evitar enfrentamientos entre los distintos grupos del pueblo cristiano. Y en verdad no creo que sea el camino de fomentar la pacífica convivencia de los españoles", quoted after Pedro Ontoso, Los servicios secretos de Carrero Blanco espiaron a la Iglesia vasca, [in:] El Correo 4 March 2015, available here
one author refers to "imprudencia por parte de obispo", see Rafael Gomez Perez, El franquismo y la Iglesia, Madrid 1996, ISBN9788432123436, p. 160; another one refers to "inoportuno affaire", – Luis Sanchez de Movellán, El inoportuno affaire Añoveros, [in:] El mundo financiero 21 October 2014, available here
Relationship to Non-Christian Religions, [in:] Metamporphose service, available here
Joseba I. Legarza, Artzain one gogoratzen, see here
Antonio Añoveros Ataun entry, [in:] Auñamendi Eusko Entziklopedia, available here, Bishop Antonio Añoveros Ataún entry, [in:] Catholic Hierarchy service, available here
Antonio Añoveros Ataun entry, [in:] Auñamendi Eusko Entziklopedia, available here
José María Setién, [in:] Euskonews 17 October 2008, available here
Guillermo Añoveros Ribas entry, [in:] Geneanet genealogical service, available here
see Guillermo Añoveros Rivas entry, [in:] Geni genealogical service, available here, also El Eco de Navarra 16 December 1997, available here
Julio Añoveros Monasterio entry, [in:] Geni genealogical service, available here
Claudia Ataún Sanz entry, [in:] Geni genealogical service, available here
see e.g. ABC 16 March 2000, available here. Jaime Garcia Añoveros was the son of María Luisa Añoveros Ataún, the sister of Antonio, compare María Luisa Añoveros Ataún entry, [in:] Geni genealogical service, available here
see e.g. a note discussing alleged spirit of Añoveros against the conservative turn of the Cádiz hierarchy of the 2010s, Fernando Santiago Muñoz, Nostalgia de Añoveros, [in:] Diario de Cadiz 15 May 2013, available here
Francisco Elías de Tejada, Suplica la promoción y aprobación de una ley de privilegio a favor del obispo Añoveros, [in:] ¿Qué Pasa? 30 March 1974, quoted after Hispanismo service, available here
Julián Casanova, Iglesia católica, Estado y conflictos sociales y culturales en la historia de España del siglo XX, [in:] La historia y sus sentidos blog, available here, Julián Casanova, Carlos Gil Andrés, Twentieth-Century Spain: A History, Cambridge 2014, ISBN9781107016965, p. 283
he served as alférez in Gipuzkoan units, Julio Aróstegui, Combatientes Requetés en la Guerra Civil Española (1936–1939), Madrid 2013, ISBN9788499709758, p. 235, compare also account of María Isabel Ruiz de Ulíbarri, [in:] Fundación Ignacio Larramendi service, available here
La Vanguardia 10 February 1955, available here. According to some sources the Cadiz and Ceuta appointment involved some administrative ploys on the part of the Church in order to work around Franco’s right to be involved in the process, Joe Foweraker, Making Democracy in Spain: Grass-Roots Struggle in the South, 1955–1975, London 2003, ISBN9780521522816, p. 103
Richard Tatzreiter, "Kollegialität" der Presbyter. Systematische, spirituelle und praktisch orientierte Überlegungen zum ekklesiologisch reflektierten Begriff des "einen Presbyteriums" ausgehend von den Texten des Zweiten Vatikanischen Konzils [PhD thesis Universität Wien 2008], pp. 65, 74, La Vanguardia 10 October 1963, available here
compare his recommendation that the Church "debe estar muy cerca de los oprimidos", La Vanguardia 22 March 1969, available here
compare La Vanguardia 14 October 1966, available here, or La Vanguardia 22 March 1969, available here
Gorritxategi San Sebastián 2009, Laboa Gallego 2005, p. 45, La Vanguardia 3 January 1970, available here
Hernandez 2009, José Casanova, Public Religions in the Modern World, Chicago 1994, ISBN9780226095356, p. 83, Said Amir Arjomand, The Political Dimensions of Religion, New York 1993, ISBN9780791415580, p. 111, also the Añoveros obituary in La Vanguardia 25 October 1987, available here
La Vanguardia 18 December 1971, available here, see also Francesco Protonotari, Nuova antologia, Roma 1976, p. 467. Already his Cadiz appointment was tricky and required gimmicks, Foweraker 2003, p. 103
La Vanguardia 17 June 1973, available here; compare also his personal letter to Carrero Blanco of December 1972, reading "la palabras de VE estimo que no han contribuido a sembrar la paz y evitar enfrentamientos entre los distintos grupos del pueblo cristiano. Y en verdad no creo que sea el camino de fomentar la pacífica convivencia de los españoles", quoted after Pedro Ontoso, Los servicios secretos de Carrero Blanco espiaron a la Iglesia vasca, [in:] El Correo 4 March 2015, available here
ABC 31 December 1987, available here, La Vanguardia 25 October 1987, available here
Bausset 2014, Felix Garcia Olano, Cuarenta años del „caso Añoveros", [in:] service 03.19.14, available hereArchived 11 May 2017 at the Wayback Machine, O caso Añoveros, [in:] La Voz de Galicia 19 July 2014, available here, Imágenes de la Transición: El caso Añoveros, [in:] Siro service 19 July 2014, available hereArchived 24 September 2016 at the Wayback Machine
"Hasta ahora, ni el cardenal Tarancón, en su calidad de Presidente de la Conferencia Episcopal Española, ni el doctor Argayo, ni monseñor Añoveros, ni los otros obispos, han dado doctrina sobre el anticristiamismo profundo e irreconciliable de la ETA", Manuel Ribera, Homilías y Telegramas inservibles, [in:] El Alcazar 19 October 1976, available here
see Guillermo Añoveros Rivas entry, [in:] Geni genealogical service, available here, also El Eco de Navarra 16 December 1997, available here
Francisco Javier Torres Barranco, Los movimientos obreros especializados de Acción Católica de la Diócesis de Cádiz: JOC y HOAC. Una aproximación histórica y apostólica, [in:] Trocadero: Revista de historia moderna y contemporanea 27 (2015), pp. 101–121. Añoveros was noted for chiding Falangist unions for being undemocratic, while at the same time praising Catholic groups as acting "with heroic courage at times in hostile environments", Patrick J. Sullivan, Catholic Social Thought on Labor-Management Issues, 1960–1980, available here
Josep Miquel Bausset, El "caso Añoveros", 40 años después, [in:] Religión Digital 23 February 2014, available here, Javier Dronda Martínez, Con Cristo o contra Cristo: religión y movilización antirepublicana en Navarra (1931–1936), Tafalla 2013, ISBN9788415313311, p. 76
or even as a deliberate provocation, Victoria Prego. Así se hizo la Transición, Madrid 1996, ISBN9788401375569, pp. 102–105. Indeed Añoveros remained fairly defiant if not provocative on the issue, e.g. he frequently declared that "los vascos estamos tan irreconciliados como en 1939", and when summoned to Madrid he appeared in a Basque beret, Hilari Raguer, Añoveros en Montserrat, [in:] Montserrat 26 July 2009, available hereArchived 22 March 2018 at the Wayback Machine
see Monasterio entry, [in:] Antzinako genealogical service, available here, Eusebio Gorritxategi San Sebastián, El centenario del obispo incómodo, [in:] Diario Vasco 13 June 2009, available here
Bausset 2014, José Antonio Hidalgo, La energia de un hombre bueno, [in:] Diario de Cádiz [date unclear], available here
e.g. criticizing many absentee owners of large estates, who were held partially responsible for some of the abject conditions in which the lease-holding peasants lived. He was especially critical of a lack of dialogue between the agricultural workers and their employers, with many campesinos abandoning their rights for fear of reprisals. Approving of laws on social justice, he declared it more important to live according to the serious obligations of ones conscience. Compare Juan Cejudo, Mi experiencia con un obispo excepcional: Antonio Añoveros, [in:] Redes Cristianas 27 June 2009, available here, Gorritxategi San Sebastián 2009
"obispo-paroco", José Antonio Hernandez, Añoveros, [in:] Redes Cristianas service 21 June 2009, available here
Mónica Moreno Seco, La presse catholique sous le franquisme: le Boletín HOAC (1959–1975), [in:] El Argonauta Español 01 (2004), available here
Bausset 2014, Felix Garcia Olano, Cuarenta años del „caso Añoveros", [in:] service 03.19.14, available hereArchived 11 May 2017 at the Wayback Machine, O caso Añoveros, [in:] La Voz de Galicia 19 July 2014, available here, Imágenes de la Transición: El caso Añoveros, [in:] Siro service 19 July 2014, available hereArchived 24 September 2016 at the Wayback Machine
José Miguel Gambra, El postconcilio y la decristianización de España, [in:] Fuente "Tradición Católica". Revista de la Fraternidad Sacerdotal San Pío X en España 206 (2006), pp. 1–8, available here
The Catholic NorthWest Progress 24 September 1965, available here, Laboa Gallego 2005, p. 47
Javier Torralba, La cabalgata de reyes en 1945, [in:] Tafalla a pie service, available here
Monika Selle, Latein und Volkssprache im Gottesdienst. Die Aussagen des Zweiten Vatikanischen Konzils über die Liturgiesprache, [PhD thesis Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München 2001], pp. 231, 241–242 256, 265, 294, 377, James I. Tucek, Council Takes Historic Votes to Bring Vernacular to the Mass, [in:] Catholic News Service 9 October 2013, available here
or even as a deliberate provocation, Victoria Prego. Así se hizo la Transición, Madrid 1996, ISBN9788401375569, pp. 102–105. Indeed Añoveros remained fairly defiant if not provocative on the issue, e.g. he frequently declared that "los vascos estamos tan irreconciliados como en 1939", and when summoned to Madrid he appeared in a Basque beret, Hilari Raguer, Añoveros en Montserrat, [in:] Montserrat 26 July 2009, available hereArchived 22 March 2018 at the Wayback Machine
Bausset 2014, Felix Garcia Olano, Cuarenta años del „caso Añoveros", [in:] service 03.19.14, available hereArchived 11 May 2017 at the Wayback Machine, O caso Añoveros, [in:] La Voz de Galicia 19 July 2014, available here, Imágenes de la Transición: El caso Añoveros, [in:] Siro service 19 July 2014, available hereArchived 24 September 2016 at the Wayback Machine
see the diocesis' Boletín Oficial/Aldizkari nagusia 7-8/2015, available hereArchived 10 May 2017 at the Wayback Machine