"Beings of the third type", which are neither fruits of subjective design nor inert objects, and which fail to comply with the Cartesian caesura between the extensive thing and the thinking thing. The largely unconscious dimension of these institutions is also linked to his oldest intuition - nature as a work of art - which reaffirms the option of "an observant science, cornered today by its predictive branch". Unlike the symbolic, a dreamed-up and fantasized world, physical reality is not only unfathomably deep and detailed in all directions, but the only antidote to the simplisms suggested by the utopian ideal ---(February 3, 2009). Academic Statement.
A note offers the post-scriptum of his "Autoexposición académica" (http://www.escohotado.com/articulosdirectos/curriculum.htm). See also the article "Antonio Escohotado: La utopía, además de una memez es una inmoralidad", Alfonso Armada, ABC, 4/11/2013.
Among the thousands of adjuncts who then became full professors, Escohotado was the only one to receive five zeros, one for each member of the academic tribunal presided by Emilio Lledó. A year and a half later, when the administrative appeal forces to reason the decision, the court will prefer to give him a 5 than to reason the zeros. See the University of Antioquia television program La fuerza de los argumentos, 5/5/2014 (cf. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WXaLePw47_E).