Beginning with Friedrich Schlegel, one theory identified Ario- with AryanArchived October 1, 2006, at the Wayback Machine connecting it with German Ehre, "honor". The theory has not been substantiated in the 150 and more years since its inception by Schlegel.
A good analysis of *harja- was done in a PhD dissertation, Looijenga, Jantina Helena (1997), Runes around the North Sea and on The Continent AD 150-700; Texts & Contexts, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, ISBN90-6781-014-2. *Harja- had some presence in the Germanic culture of the times and does occur in conjunction with name of the Suebi; however, she does not connect it with Ario- in the thesis.
Similarly, Suetonius (Caligula 44.2–47) describes Cunobelinus as rex Britannorum ("king of Britons"), although various kingdoms were recognised in Britain.
Beginning with Friedrich Schlegel, one theory identified Ario- with AryanArchived October 1, 2006, at the Wayback Machine connecting it with German Ehre, "honor". The theory has not been substantiated in the 150 and more years since its inception by Schlegel.