Thus shortly after giving this quote, Christian apologist Bert Thompson remarks "These kinds of statements leave little to the imagination, and make it clear that those who say such things believe in evolution not because of any evidence, but instead because they have made up their minds, a priori, that they are not going to believe in God" (Biological Evolution, (Montgomery: Apologetics Press, 1990), 7). Similarly, Christian minister Dennis James Kennedy gives the same citation prefaced with the point that "To the reprobate mind, the unregenerate mind, creation is incredible because it requires belief in a creator, and that is totally unacceptable to such men as these" (Why I Believe: in the Bible, God, Creation . . . The Return of Christ, rev. ed. (Nashville: W Publishing Group, 2005) 61, cited also on 62). This same view is seen in a sermon delivered in 1957 by Christian minister W. A. Criswell who uses this quotation to support his claim that "The evolutionist begins with an a priori judgment that there is no such thing as God's creative acts. Therefore, anything that proves special creation is immediately cast aside and scorned and ridiculed" W. A. Criswell, The Record of the Rocks ( "Sermon 2074". Archived from the original on 20 September 2011. Retrieved 28 June 2011. ).}
Thus shortly after giving this quote, Christian apologist Bert Thompson remarks "These kinds of statements leave little to the imagination, and make it clear that those who say such things believe in evolution not because of any evidence, but instead because they have made up their minds, a priori, that they are not going to believe in God" (Biological Evolution, (Montgomery: Apologetics Press, 1990), 7). Similarly, Christian minister Dennis James Kennedy gives the same citation prefaced with the point that "To the reprobate mind, the unregenerate mind, creation is incredible because it requires belief in a creator, and that is totally unacceptable to such men as these" (Why I Believe: in the Bible, God, Creation . . . The Return of Christ, rev. ed. (Nashville: W Publishing Group, 2005) 61, cited also on 62). This same view is seen in a sermon delivered in 1957 by Christian minister W. A. Criswell who uses this quotation to support his claim that "The evolutionist begins with an a priori judgment that there is no such thing as God's creative acts. Therefore, anything that proves special creation is immediately cast aside and scorned and ridiculed" W. A. Criswell, The Record of the Rocks ( "Sermon 2074". Archived from the original on 20 September 2011. Retrieved 28 June 2011. ).}