Richter, Franciscus Xav.: Augustini Olomucensis Epsicoporum Olomucensium Series, edited, continued, and annotated by F.X. Richter, "SS. Theologiae Bacalaureus, Histoiriae Universalis Professor Emeritus, Nunc Caesaro-Regial Universitatis Olomucensis Bibliothecarius", Olomouc 1831. An expanded re-edition of biographies of the Bishops of Olomouc, composed originally by Augustinus Olomucensis in 1511 and dedicated to Thurzo.[3] Richter gives on pages VI to X a brief account of Augustinus' live, concluding with the inscription on Augustinus' grave in the cathedral of Olomouc: Augustinus de Olmütz juris Pontificii ac liberalium Artium Doctor, Olomucensis et Brunensis Ecclesarium Praepositus, hic ad vocem tubae Archangeli quiesco ab anno Incarnati dei MDXIII tertio nonas Novembris. Vixi annos 46, mensibus octo. ("... died 1513 on the third day before the Nones of November. He lived 46 years, 8 months". The third day before the Nones of November (iii Non. Nov.) happens to be November 3.)
Gesamtkatalog der Wiegendrucke: Augustinus Moravus, December 14, 2011. URL last accessed 2012-11-06.