Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "BBC Redux" in English language version.
User Evaluation on BBC Redux (by BBC staff) …
an internal version of BBC iPlayer called Redux, which was originally developed for testing
BBC Research developed a Redux site enabling a high quality download service of some BBC TV products.
BBC Redux, a playable archive of almost everything broadcast since mid-2007
Changes to the behaviour of BBC Redux equivalence
BBC Redux is iPlayer on steroids – with an API. It records the whole digital multiplex, … But the rights are complicated- because the BBC doesn't own many of the programmes it broadcasts.
BBC Redux, a playable archive of almost everything broadcast since mid-2007
Brandon Butterworth explains: 'People thought it would be really difficult to run on all platforms, that it would take years to develop. But I led a team to do a Flash version that would work on Linux and we did it in two months'
Changes to the behaviour of BBC Redux equivalence