Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Bank" in English language version.
Credit risk is most simply defined as the potential that a bank borrower or counterparty will fail to meet its obligations in accordance with agreed terms.
The first state deposit bank was the Bank of St. George in Genoa, which was established in 1407.
In the ordinary cases of deposits of money with banking corporations, or bankers, the transaction amounts to a mere loan or mutuum, or irregular deposit, and the bank is to restore, not the same money, but an equivalent sum, whenever it is demanded.
[...] the promissory note originated as a receipt given by the goldsmith for money, which he took charge of for a customer but was not allowed to use. Such a note was relly a warehouse voucher which could not be assigned. When, however, it became a receipt for a money deposit, which the goldsmith was allowed to use for the purpose of making advances to his customers, it developed into an assignable instrument. Ultimately such notes were issued by the goldsmiths in the form of loans and were not necessarily backed by coin and bullion.
The Danish loan [1803] is the first of many such transactions on behalf of governments which rapidly establish the Rothschild family as Europe's most powerful bankers, rising to a pre-eminence comparable to that of the Medici and the Fugger in earlier centuries.
The family is soon represented in all the important centres of the continent.
bank means:
(1) a firm with a Part 4A Permission to carry on the regulated activity of accepting deposits and is a credit institution, but is not a credit union, friendly society or a building society; or
(2) an EEA bank.
bank means:
(1) a firm with a Part 4A Permission to carry on the regulated activity of accepting deposits and is a credit institution, but is not a credit union, friendly society or a building society; or
(2) an EEA bank.
International financing in the 19th Century took hold due to the Rothschilds.