The Massie sketch map by the 12th Light Horse Regiment's adjutant who also wrote up the regimental war diary at the time, attached to the 4th Light Horse Brigade's March 1918 War Diary and reproduced above, shows the first two squadrons in lines of squadron while the third squadrons are shown deployed in line of column. Hand-drawn map of the 4th LHB prior to charging into Beersheba, Australian Light Horse Studies Centre
Grant claimed sole responsibility for the charge, "that Hodgson took him to the corps commander, who directed him to 'take the town before dark,' without giving him instructions as to how the attack was to be carried out." [Falls 1930 Vol. 2 p. 58 note] However it has been claimed Chauvel told Hodgson commanding Australian Mounted Division, "Put Grant straight at it." "Put Grant straight at it.", Australian Light Horse Studies Centre