Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Battle of Paštrik" in English language version.
Operation Arrow was limited to one sector, and even so, it was not a success... The KLA forces came under heavy Serb artillery fire, and while some areas changed hands, no major gains were claimed by the KLA.
The artillery firing into Albania continues in the Mount Pashtrik area and from positions near Junik, in fact just a little over along the Kosovo–Albanian border...
Po afrohet dita e 31 Majit, për ti përkujtuar 15 dëshmorët e kombit shqiptar, që ranë heroikisht në betejat luftarake kundër pushtuesit jugosllavo – serb, gjatë Operacionit luftarak të UÇK-së "SHIGJETA".[The day of May 31 is approaching, to commemorate the 15 martyrs of the Albanian nation, who fell heroically in the battles against the Yugoslav-Serbian invaders during Operation Arrow.]
U operaciji „Strela" brigada je imala 25 poginulih i 126 ranjenih, a neprijatelj daleko više.[In Operation Arrow, the brigade had 25 dead and 126 wounded, and the enemy far more.]
Divizioni i Kukësit dhe gjeneral Kudusi Lama ishin bartësit kryesor të luftës që zhvillohej në gjithë atë front të gjerë, aq sa ishte edhe vija kufitare Shqipëri-Kosovë.[The Kukës Division and General Kudusi Lama were the main bearers of the war that took place throughout that wide front, as much as the Albania-Kosovo border line.]