Battle of the Spurs (English Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Battle of the Spurs" in English language version.

Global rank English rank
3rd place
3rd place
903rd place
521st place
6th place
6th place
1,505th place
1,194th place
14th place
14th place

  • See "Historical subjects from the Triumphal Arch," British Museum collection database; Schauerte, Thomas Ulrich, Die Ehrenpforte für Kaiser Maximilian I, Deutscher Kunstverlag, (2001), pp. 281–282, the complete woodcut has the following Latin inscription; "Illud vero laude non caret, cu' Flandos, atque sicambros suos valida manu inviseret, ut reges Angliae partes, ad versus regem Franciae tueretur, Id quod sine sanguine fieri nequit, Unde cu' iam utraque ex parte dimicatum esset fortiter, ac utinque haud pauci occubissent victoriu portitas est Caesar deinde Terrauonam solo aequevet Tornavia, oppugnationem nom sustilem pacta pace cu' Caesare, in potestatem illum receptem."