"【2018版中国大学近5年录取分数排行榜】". Huadong Normal University. 2 July 2018. Archived from the original on 5 July 2018. Retrieved 2 July 2018.
https://m.sohu.com/n/482178609/Archived 2022-04-27 at the Wayback MachinePremierWen Jiabao's letter celebrating the 70th anniversary of the founding of the BFSU was later used as a school motto."Compatibility", This motto comes from Cai Yuanpei's idea of "freedom of thought and compatibility" when he was president of Peking University. This motto means a kind of world vision and open mind.“兼容并蓄,博学笃行”是温家宝总理在北外建校七十周年贺信中提出的,后被用作北外的校训。“兼容并蓄”,源自蔡元培任北大校长时提出的“思想自由,兼容并包”,“兼容并蓄”意味着一种世界眼光和开放性胸怀,既是世界不同文化文明的兼容,又是以外语为主的其他学科的兼容,同时孕育着创新
https://m.sohu.com/n/482178609/Archived 2022-04-27 at the Wayback MachinePremierWen Jiabao's letter celebrating the 70th anniversary of the founding of the BFSU was later used as a school motto."Compatibility", This motto comes from Cai Yuanpei's idea of "freedom of thought and compatibility" when he was president of Peking University. This motto means a kind of world vision and open mind.“兼容并蓄,博学笃行”是温家宝总理在北外建校七十周年贺信中提出的,后被用作北外的校训。“兼容并蓄”,源自蔡元培任北大校长时提出的“思想自由,兼容并包”,“兼容并蓄”意味着一种世界眼光和开放性胸怀,既是世界不同文化文明的兼容,又是以外语为主的其他学科的兼容,同时孕育着创新