Bertram de Criol (English Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Bertram de Criol" in English language version.

Global rank English rank
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744th place
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441st place
311th place
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284th place
187th place
27th place
51st place
2,333rd place
1,632nd place
1,234th place
779th place
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  • So styled in 1248 Inspeximus of charter of Robert de Guysnes, Calendar of Charter Rolls: Henry III, 1226-1257 (HMSO 1903), pp. 340-41. He is 'miles' in the 1229 Tunstall attestation (see below).
  • Duchess of Cleveland, (C.L.W. Powlett), The Battle Abbey Roll, with some account of the Norman lineages, 3 vols (John Murray, London 1889), II, pp. 11-15, at p. 11.
  • 'Ashburnham', in The Norman People and their existing descendants (Henry S. King & Co., London 1874), p. 143, citing Gallia Christiana, xi, col. 13, Instrumental.
  • W. Page (ed.), The Victoria History of the County of Sussex Vol. I (James Street, London 1905), p. 396 (Internet archive). J. Morris (ed.), Domesday Book: Sussex (Phillimore, Chichester 1974), sect. 9.7.
  • Cleveland, Battle Abbey Roll, II, pp. 11-12.
  • 'Charters of the Duchy of Lancaster - contd', Thirty-Fifth Annual Report of the Deputy Keeper of the Public Records (HMSO 1874), nos. 162 & 163, p. 16. The National Archives (UK), Discovery Catalogue, refs. DL 27/51 and DL 27/52.
  • 'Charters of the Duchy of Lancaster', nos. 21 & 22, p. 3. The National Archives (UK), Discovery Catalogue, refs. DL 27/8 and DL 27/9.
  • Calendar of Charter Rolls, Henry III: 1226-1257 (HMSO 1903), p. 74.
  • Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III: 1225-1232 (HMSO 1903), p. 180.
  • Calendar of Liberate Rolls, Henry III: 1226-1240 (HMSO 1916), p. 139.
  • 'Quod comitissa Kancie habeat ingressum in castra', Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry III, 1225–32 (HMSO 1903), p. 341. (in Latin).
  • Close Rolls of the Reign of Henry III: 1227-31 (HMSO 1902), pp. 407-08. (fragmentary, in Latin).
  • Vincent, Peter Des Roches, p. 269, citing Close Rolls of the Reign of Henry III: 1231-34 (HMSO 1905), p. 29. (in Latin).
  • 'Pro comitissa Penbroc',' Close Rolls of the Reign of Henry III: 1231-1234, p. 174. (in Latin). See L.J. Wilkinson, Eleanor de Montfort: A Rebel Countess in Medieval England (A. & C. Black, London 2012), p. 52.
  • 'Consecration of St. Edmund', in B.N. Ward, St Edmund, Archbishop of Canterbury. His Life, as told by Old English Writers (B. Herder, St Louis, Mo. 1903), pp. 77-80, quoting the St Paul's Cathedral Archives MS, Register A sive I Liber Pilosus (now MS 25501, Guildhall Library) fol. 18.
  • Cal. Patent Rolls, 1232-1247, p. 169.
  • Cal. Charter Rolls, 1226-1257, pp. 249-50.
  • H.S. Sweetman (ed.), Calendar of Documents relating to Ireland, in the Public Record Office, London, 1171-1251 (HMSO 1875), pp. 380-81, no. 2552 (Internet Archive).
  • Cal. Patent Rolls, 1232-1247, pp. 280-81.
  • Close Rolls of the Reign of Henry III: 1237-1242 (HMSO 1911), p. 409 (Internet archive).
  • Cal. Patent Rolls, 1232-1247, p. 286.
  • Cal. Patent Rolls, 1232-1247, p. 305.
  • Close Rolls of the Reign of Henry III: 1237-1242, pp. 454-60 (in Latin).
  • Cal. Patent Rolls, 1232-1247, p. 400.
  • Cal. Charter Rolls, 1226-1257, p. 274.
  • Cal. Charter Rolls, 1226-57, p. 463.
  • Cal. Charter Rolls, 1226-1257, p. 311.
  • Close Rolls of the Reign of Henry III: 1242-1247, p. 19.
  • Cal. Patent Rolls, 1232-1247, p. 437.
  • Cal. Patent Rolls, 1247-1258, p. 189.
  • C. Roberts (ed.), Excerpta e Rotulis Finium in Turri Londinensi Asservatis, Henrico Tertio Rege, A.D. 1216-1272, II: A.D. 1246-1272 (Commissioners, 1836), p. 81. (in abbreviated Latin).
  • Cal. Charter Rolls, 1226-1257, p. 356.
  • Cal. Charter Rolls, 1226-1257, pp. 402-03.
  • H.M. Colvin (ed.), R. Allen Brown & A.J. Taylor, The History of the King's Works, Vol. II: The Middle Ages (HMSO 1963), p. 635.
  • Cal. Patent Rolls, 1247-1258, pp. 399-400.
  • Excerpta e Rotulis Finium, II, p. 232. (in abbreviated Latin).
  • H.R. Luard (ed.), Matthæi Parisiensis Monachi Sancti Albani Chronica Majora, Rolls Series, 7 Vols (Longmans & Co./Trubner & Co., London 1872-1883), V: A.D. 1248 to A.D. 1259 (1880), p. 576.
  • 'The Gesta Regum with its continuation' (sub anno), in W. Stubbs (ed.), The Historical Works of Gervase of Canterbury, II, p. 215; cited in U. Lambert, Blechingley: A Parish History, with some account of the family of De Clare, 2 vols (Mitchell Hughes and Clarke, London 1921), II, p. 85.
  • Calendar of Inquisitions post mortem Vol. IV: Edward I, 1300-1307 (HMSO 1913), No. 372, pp. 242-243 (Internet Archive).
  • Excerpta e Rotulis Finium, II, p. 480. (in abbreviated Latin).
  • Excerpta e Rotulis Finium, II, pp. 412-13. (in abbreviated Latin).

  • 'Criol or Keriel', in J.R. Planché, A Corner of Kent: or, some account of the parish of Ash-next-Sandwich (Robert Hardwicke, London 1864), pp. 291-96.
  • Planché, 'Criol or Keriel', pp. 291-96.
  • Planché, 'Avranches', in A Corner of Kent, pp. 260-64, citing MS Baronagium of William Segar in the College of Arms.
  • T. Hearne (ed.), The Itinerary of John Leland the Antiquary: In Nine Volumes, 2nd Edition (James Fletcher, Oxford 1744), VII, pp. 127-28.
  • J. Nichols, Bibliotheca Topographica Britannica (J. Nichols, London 1780-1790), I, pp. 43-44, citing Bodleian Library, Canterbury Cartulary, Tanner MSS no. 223, fols. 79a and 86b.
  • Vincent, Peter Des Roches, pp. 268-69, 318-19, and sources there cited.
  • C. Roberts (ed.), Excerpta e Rotulis Finium in Turri Londinensi Asservatis, Henrico Tertio Rege, A.D. 1216-1272, I: A.D. 1216-1246 (Commissioners, 1835), p. 269.
  • Calendar of Patent Rolls: Henry III, 1232-1247 (HMSO London 1906), p. 2. Also Excerpta e Rotulis Finium, I, pp. 232-33.
  • T. Stapleton (ed.), De Antiquis Legibus Liber. Cronica Maiorum et Vicecomitum Londiniarum, Camden Society, Series I no. 34 (London 1846), Appendix, pp. 237-38.
  • J.W. Bayley, The history and antiquities of the Tower of London, II, (T. Cadell, London 1825), pp. 657-58.
  • In the right of the wife of Peter de Bendenges. Cal. Charter Rolls, 1226-1257, p. 255. Excerpta e Rotulis Finium, I, p. 333. (in abbreviated Latin).
  • Testa de Nevill, sive Liber Feodorum in Curia Scaccarii (Commissioners, London 1807), pp. 205-215. (pending online access to more modern edition, vol. 2.) See also C. Flight, 'List of knight's fees in Kent, 1242-43: Aid for the king crossing the sea to Gascony', Kent Archaeology digiarchive Archived 26 October 2017 at the Wayback Machine.
  • 'Shipwey', in W. Lambarde, A Perambulation of Kent: Conteining the Description, Hystorie, and Customes of that Shire (original 1570/76), (W.Burrill, Chatham 1826), pp. 165-69.
  • Excerpta e Rotulis Finium, I, p. 394. 27 Henry III, membrane 6, no. 139. 'Haulou' rendered 'Hadlow' in Henry III Fine Rolls Project.
  • N. Vincent, The Holy Blood: King Henry III and the Westminster Blood Relic (Cambridge University Press, 2001), pp. 1-2, p. 15.
  • S. Seyer, The Charters and Letters Patent granted... to the City of Bristol (John Matthew Gutch, Bristol 1812), pp. 16-20.
  • J. Man, The History and Antiquities, Ancient and Modern, of the Borough of Reading (Reading 1816), p. 342.
  • Bibliotheca Topographica Britannica, I, p. 457. The reference to Bertram's tomb at p. 461 is probably to the grandson Bertram. See also T. Tanner, Notitia Monastica (J. Tanner/W. Bowyer, London 1744), p. 218.
  • Charter of Robert de Polton, in W. Dugdale, Monasticon Anglicanum, sive Pandectae Coenobiorum, 3 Vols (London (Savoy) 1673), III, p. 70. The charter of B de Crioll on p. 71 is probably for his grandson.
  • Hearne, The Itinerary of John Leland, VI, p. 8.
  • "Bertram de Crioil made a fine with the king for 60 marks for having Matilda for the wife of his son John." (17 Henry III). Excerpta e Rotulis Finium, I, p. 247. (in abbreviated Latin).
  • A. Collins, The English Baronetage (Thomas Wotton, London 1741), I, p. 339. Godefroy de Normanville was steward to Henry (I) Comte d'Eu.
  • R. Taylor, Index Monasticus (Lackington & Co., London 1821), pp. 93-94.

  • 'Parishes: Moulsford', in P.H. Ditchfield and W. Page (eds), A History of the County of Berkshire, Vol. 3 (VCH, London 1923), pp. 504-07, (British History Online, accessed 16 October 2017).
  • Presumably of the Herlison family of Cheapside, see D.J. Keene and V. Harding, 'All Hallows Honey Lane 11/1', in Historical Gazetteer of London before the Great Fire, Cheapside (Centre for Metropolitan History, London 1987), p. 10 ff. (British History Online, accessed 7 October 2017).
  • 'Parishes: West Ilsley', in W. Page and P.H. Ditchfields (eds), A History of the County of Berkshire, Vol. 4 (VCH/HMSO, London 1924), pp. 32-37, citing Testa de Nevill fol. 418b. (British History Online, accessed 3 October 2017).
  • 'House of Premonstratensian canons: The abbey of Croxton Kerrial', in W.G. Hoskins and R.A. McKinley (eds), A History of the County of Leicestershire Vol. 2 (VCH/HMSO, London 1954), pp. 28-31 (British History Online, accessed 7 October 2017).
  • 'Parishes: Aldbury', in W. Page (ed.), A History of the County of Hertford, Vol. 2 (VCH/HMSO, London 1908), pp. 143-48 (British History Online, accessed 3 October 2017).
  • 'Parishes: Kenardington', in E. Hasted, The History and Topographical Survey of the County of Kent, Vol. 7 (Canterbury, 1798), pp. 244-49 (British History Online, accessed 9 October 2017).

  • T.D. Hardy (ed.), Rotuli Litterarum Clausarum In Turri Londinensi Asservati, I: ab anno MCCIV ad annum MCCXXIV (Commissioners, London 1833), p. 200.
  • 'Sarre, Kent', in Gazetteer of Markets and Fairs in England and Wales to 1516, Centre for Metropolitan History, and citations, and see T.D. Hardy (ed.), Rotuli Litterarum Clausarum 1204-1227, II: Ab anno MDCCXXIV ad annum MDCCXXVII (1844), p. 96 (Mecklenburg-Vorpommern).

  • Fine Rolls, ref C 60/12: 4 Henry III, Fine Roll membrane 8, item 45, image at m. 8 (Henry III Fine Roll Project).
  • Henry III Fine Rolls Project, 'Fine Roll C 60/27, 12 Henry III (1227–1228)', item 222, membrane 4.
  • S. Annesley, 'The Countess and the Constable: An exploration of the conflict that arose between Margaret de Burgh and Bertram de Criel', Fine of the Month, July 2008, Henry III Fine Rolls Project, especially section 8, and sources there cited.
  • T. Moore, 'The role of the sheriff of Essex and Hertfordshire in local and national politics', Henry III Fine Rolls Project, Fine of the month June 2006, note 2, citing Pipe Roll Michaelmas 1238-1239, T.N.A. ref. E 372/83.
  • Excerpta e Rotulis Finium, I, p. 394. 27 Henry III, membrane 6, no. 139. 'Haulou' rendered 'Hadlow' in Henry III Fine Rolls Project.

  • 'Sarre, Kent', in Gazetteer of Markets and Fairs in England and Wales to 1516, Centre for Metropolitan History, and citations, and see T.D. Hardy (ed.), Rotuli Litterarum Clausarum 1204-1227, II: Ab anno MDCCXXIV ad annum MDCCXXVII (1844), p. 96 (Mecklenburg-Vorpommern).

  • Close Rolls of the Reign of Henry III: 1234-37 (HMSO 1908), pp. 403-04, & p. 418. See C. Flight, 'Rochester castle : Baronies and knight's fees owing castle-guard service to Rochester', Kent Archaeology digiarchive Archived 28 March 2016 at the Wayback Machine, pdf pp. 3-4.
  • '(046), Wingham Hundred', in C. Flight, 'Lists of knights' fees in Kent - 1253-4: copy of a lost report: Text - strand 1', Kent Archaeology digiarchive Archived 4 October 2017 at the Wayback Machine, pdf p. 3.
  • Testa de Nevill, sive Liber Feodorum in Curia Scaccarii (Commissioners, London 1807), pp. 205-215. (pending online access to more modern edition, vol. 2.) See also C. Flight, 'List of knight's fees in Kent, 1242-43: Aid for the king crossing the sea to Gascony', Kent Archaeology digiarchive Archived 26 October 2017 at the Wayback Machine.

  • L. Sherwood, 'The Cartulary of Leeds Priory', Archaeologia Cantiana LXIV (1951), pp. 24-34, no. 9 (at p. 27).
  • See 'Inquisitiones post mortem (contd.)', Archaeologia Cantiana V (1863), pp. 292-304, 'XLII: Matilda de Estwelles (1267)', pp. 296-97, XLIII: Simon de Cryel and Matilda his wife (1267), pp. 297-98, and notes 184-86, pp. 303-04.
  • 'Inquisitiones post mortem (contd.)', Archaeologia Cantiana III (1860), pp. 243-74, 'XXXV: Hamo de Crevecoeur (1263)', pp. 253-64, and notes.
  • 'Inquisitiones post mortem (contd.)', Archaeologia Cantiana II (1859), p. 281-326, 'III: Thomas de Normanville (1245-46)', p. 293 and notes.

  • Various contributors, 'Some corrections and additions to the Complete Peerage: Volume 3: Criol', 'Criol or Kiriel', at Medieval Genealogy website, last update 13 June 2009. References supplied.

  • The National Archives (UK), Discovery Catalogue, 'Ashburnham family archive' (East Sussex Record Office).
  • The National Archives (UK), Discovery Catalogue, ref. BAT/3 - Autograph attestation. (East Sussex Record Office).
  • The National Archives, Discovery Catalogue refs. SAS-M/1/331 and SAS-M/1/671.
  • The National Archives (UK), Discovery Catalogue, ref. Fa/I/1.
  • The National Archives Discovery Catalogue, item BAT/12, and BAT/14 (East Sussex Record Office).
  • The National Archives (UK), Discovery Catalogue ref. SC 8/85/4239, first item (viewable). 27 June, 37 Henry III.

  • W. Dugdale, Monasticon Anglicanum new edition (James Bohn, London 1846), VI Part 2, pp. 939-943, at p. 942, No. VIII. (Monastic Matrix pdf, p. 4). Source: Cartulary of St Radegund's Abbey, Bodleian Library MSS Rawlinson B 336.

  • F.J. West, ‘Burgh, Hubert de, earl of Kent (c.1170–1243)’, Oxford Dictionary of National Biography (2004). Online edition, 2008 Archived 23 November 2017 at the Wayback Machine (subscription required). W. Hunt, 'Burgh, Hubert de (d. 1243)', Dictionary of National Biography (1885-1900), at Wikisource.

  • E.R. Cooper, 'The Dunwich Charter of King John, of 1215', Proceedings of the Suffolk Institute of Archaeology, XXIII Part 3 (1939), pp. 230-35 (Society's pdf).

  • 'Criol', in W. Dugdale, The Baronage of England, 3 Vols (London 1675-6), I, pp. 770-71. (Umich/EEBO).
  • Calendar of Liberate Rolls, Henry III: 1240-1245 (HMSO 1930), pp. 38, 90, 112. (Umich)
  • Calendar of Liberate Rolls, Henry III: 1245-1251 (HMSO 1947), pp. 33, 122-23. (Umich)
  • T. Philipott (with J. Philipott), Villare Cantianum, or, Kent Surveyed and Illustrated (Printed by William Godbid, London 1659), 'Stamford, Folkestone Hundred', p. 302. (Umich/EEBO)

  • F.J. West, ‘Burgh, Hubert de, earl of Kent (c.1170–1243)’, Oxford Dictionary of National Biography (2004). Online edition, 2008 Archived 23 November 2017 at the Wayback Machine (subscription required). W. Hunt, 'Burgh, Hubert de (d. 1243)', Dictionary of National Biography (1885-1900), at Wikisource.
  • Close Rolls of the Reign of Henry III: 1234-37 (HMSO 1908), pp. 403-04, & p. 418. See C. Flight, 'Rochester castle : Baronies and knight's fees owing castle-guard service to Rochester', Kent Archaeology digiarchive Archived 28 March 2016 at the Wayback Machine, pdf pp. 3-4.
  • '(046), Wingham Hundred', in C. Flight, 'Lists of knights' fees in Kent - 1253-4: copy of a lost report: Text - strand 1', Kent Archaeology digiarchive Archived 4 October 2017 at the Wayback Machine, pdf p. 3.
  • Testa de Nevill, sive Liber Feodorum in Curia Scaccarii (Commissioners, London 1807), pp. 205-215. (pending online access to more modern edition, vol. 2.) See also C. Flight, 'List of knight's fees in Kent, 1242-43: Aid for the king crossing the sea to Gascony', Kent Archaeology digiarchive Archived 26 October 2017 at the Wayback Machine.

  • F.J. West, ‘Burgh, Hubert de, earl of Kent (c.1170–1243)’, Oxford Dictionary of National Biography (2004). Online edition, 2008 Archived 23 November 2017 at the Wayback Machine (subscription required). W. Hunt, 'Burgh, Hubert de (d. 1243)', Dictionary of National Biography (1885-1900), at Wikisource.