Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Bicycle brake" in English language version.
A person shall not ride a bicycle that does not have at least one effective brake.
Uw fiets moet aan verschillende technische eisen voldoen. Als u de weg op wil, dan moet uw fiets uitgerust zijn met: goede remmen vooraan en achteraan; bij kinderfietsjes volstaat één rem[Your bike must meet several technical requirements. If you want to hit the road, then your bicycle must be equipped with: good brakes front and rear; for children's bikes one brake is sufficient]
Polkupyörässä tulee olla ainakin yksi tehokas jarrulaite. Tavaran tai useamman kuin yhden henkilön kuljetukseen tarkoitetussa polkupyörässä, perävaunulla varustetussa polkupyörässä ja polkupyörässä, jossa on enemmän kuin kaksi vaihdetta, tulee kuitenkin olla kaksi erillistä tehokasta jarrulaitetta.[A bicycle must have at least one effective braking device. However, a bicycle intended for the transport of goods or more than one person, a bicycle equipped with a trailer and a bicycle with more than two gears must have two separate effective braking devices.]
I velocipedi devono essere muniti di pneumatici, nonché: a) per la frenatura: di un dispositivo indipendente per ciascun asse che agisca in maniera pronta ed efficace sulle rispettive ruote[Bicycles must have tires and a) for braking: an independent system for every axle acting quick and effectively on each wheel]
Fahrräder müssen zwei voneinander unabhängige Bremsen haben.[Bicyclists must have two mutually independent brakes.]
A tandem with an adult stoker will skid instead of flip.
Tout cycle doit être muni de deux dispositifs de freinage efficaces.
En cykel skal være forsynet med mindst to uafhængige bremsesystemer, der virker på henholdsvis for- og baghjul.[A bicycle must be equipped with at least two independent braking systems that act on the front and rear wheels respectively.]
There have been concerns about the safety of front disc brakes, in conjunction with lightweight quick-release skewers.
... brakeless riders are strictly breaking the law in the UK.
Enligt lag måste en cykel alltid ha ... broms[By law, a bicycle must always have ... brakes]
A person shall not ride a bicycle that does not have at least one effective brake.