Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Binary blob" in English language version.
If the kernel is compiled with the COMPAT_LINUX option, or the aac_linux.ko and linux.ko modules are loaded...
If the kernel is compiled with the COMPAT_LINUX option, or the aacraid_linux.ko and linux.ko modules are loaded...
If the kernel is compiled with the COMPAT_LINUX option, or the aac_linux.ko and linux.ko modules are loaded...
If the kernel is compiled with the COMPAT_LINUX option, or the aacraid_linux.ko and linux.ko modules are loaded...
Blobs are vendor-compiled binary drivers without any source code.
Only a few recalcitrant vendors remain closed. / ethernet 95% documented 99% working / Open documentation largely due to the effort of one man: Bill Paul
drivers designed for binary only Linux RAID management tools
Only a few recalcitrant vendors remain closed. / ethernet 95% documented 99% working / Open documentation largely due to the effort of one man: Bill Paul
drivers designed for binary only Linux RAID management tools