Битолският надпис в bTV Репортерите на 19 и 20 юни. 17.06.2021, bTV.
"Although the inscription is of exceptional interest, the first study that attempted to fill in the missing text, was carried out by Vladimir Mošin only one decade after it was brought to light. Since, it has been the subject of studies of numerous researchers. Most of them reckon that the inscription is the last written source of the First Bulgarian State with an accurate dating..." For more see: Elena Kostić, Georgios Velenis, New Interpretation about the Content of the Cyrillic Inscription from Bitola. 23rd International Congress of Byzantine Studies, Belgrade, 22–27 August 2016.
Битольская надпись Иоанна Владислава была создана, как считается, в 1015–1016 гг. (издание: Попконстантинов, Тотоманова 2014: 40–41, илл. 28а, 30). Однако, поскольку цифирь в надписи утрачена (см. Попконстантинов, Тотоманова 2014: илл. 28а, 30; см. затем примеч. 6 к этой статье), представляется более правильным датировать надпись временем правления Ивана Владислава, который упомянут в этой надписи как действующий самодержец, в сочетании с глагольной формой настоящего времени: 1015–1018 гг. (In English: "The Bitola inscription of John Vladislav was created, it is believed, in 1015–1016. (edition: Popkonstantinov, Totomanova 2014: 40–41, ill. 28a, 30). However, since the numbers in the inscription have been lost (see Popkonstantinov, Totomanova 2014: ill. 28a, 30; see then note 6 to this article), it seems more correct to date the inscription to the reign of Ivan Vladislav, who is mentioned in this inscription as the current autocrat, combined with the present tense verb form: 1015–1018.") in "Новые данные по истории древнеболгарского языка в эпиграфике Первого болгарского царства", 2023, Кирило-Методиевски студии 33:63-80. https://www.ceeol.com/search/article-detail?id=1109461
сп. Факел. Как Йордан Заимов възстанови Битолския надпис на Иван Владислав? 3 декември 2013, автор: Василка Тъпкова-Заимова.
Булатова Р. В. Основатель югославской палеографической науки — В. А. Мошин. В Русская эмиграция в Югославии. — М.: Институт славяноведения и балканистики РАН. (1996) стр. 183—199.
Robert Mihajlovski, Circulation of Byzantine lead seals as a contribution to the location of medieval Bitola on International Symposium of Byzantologists, Nis and Byzantyum XVIII, "800 years since the Аutocephaly of the Serbian Church (1219–2019): Church, Politics and Art in Byzantium and neighboring countries" pp. 573 – 588; 574.
Stojkov, Stojko (2014). Битолската плоча. Goce Delčev University. p. 80. Retrieved November 18, 2022.
Sebastian Kempgen: A Superscript for the Bitola Inscription. Draft paper, 12, May 2023. Bamberg University, Germany.