Owen (1841), Book II, Ch. XII, §1. Owen, Aneurin, ed. (1841), "The Venedotian Code", Ancient Laws and Institutes of Wales; Comprising Laws Supposed to be Enacted by Howel the Good, Modified by Subsequent Regulations under the Native Princes prior to the Conquest by Edward the First: And Anomalous Laws, Consisting Principally of Institutions which by the Statute of Ruddlan were Admitted to Continue in Force: With an English Translation of the Welsh Text, to which are Added A few Latin Transcripts, Containing Digests of the Welsh Laws, Principally of the Dimetian Code, London: Commissioners on the Public Records of the Kingdom, (in Welsh) and (in English)
Jones, Francis (June 1967). "Usher, Gwysaney and Owston (Book Review)". Welsh History Review. 3 (3): 299. ProQuest1310492216.
The Houses of Cunedda and Rhodri Mawr, Welsh Medieval Law: The Laws of Howell the Good (1909) by Hywel ap Cadell, translated by Arthur Wade Wade-Evans. See: Meredydd (Maredudd) and Owen (King Owain)