"Borki, wieś, gmina Łubnice, powiat staszowski, województwo świętokrzyskie" [Borki, village, Łubnice Commune, Staszów County, Świętokrzyskie Province, Poland]. Topographical map prepared in 1:10,000 scale. Aerial and satellite orthophotomap (in Polish). Head Office of Geodesy and Cartography, Poland, Warsaw. 2011. geoportal.gov.pl. Archived from the original on 21 December 2012. Retrieved 27 April 2011.
"Borki, wieś, gmina Łubnice, powiat staszowski, województwo świętokrzyskie" [Borki, village, Łubnice Commune, Staszów County, Świętokrzyskie Province, Poland]. Topographical map prepared in 1:10,000 scale. Aerial and satellite orthophotomap (in Polish). Head Office of Geodesy and Cartography, Poland, Warsaw. 2011. geoportal.gov.pl. Archived from the original on 21 December 2012. Retrieved 27 April 2011.